
Croatia: SafeJournalists and MFRR partners express full solidarity and support to Hrvoje Zovko in further legal battle


Following the decision of the Supreme Court to overturn the the previous verdicts on the case involving Hrvoje Zovko and the Croatian Radiotelevision (HRT), media freedom organisations show full support to the Croatian journalist in his appeal to the Constitutional Court

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Pro Bono Italia ETS

Pro Bono Italia ETS is the first non-profit association of lawyers, practitioners, law firms, corporate lawyers and bar associations to promote a culture of pro bono in our country. It is an independent, apolitical and nonpartisan entity, founded in 2017, which now has about 50 members and a network of about a thousand people, including lawyers, corporate lawyers, nonprofits and academics. It has promoted the creation of a social and legal ecosystem for the promotion of a pro bono culture in Italy. With its registration in October 2023 in the Official Register of Third Sector Entities (RUNTS), the association assumed the status of ETS, thus confirming its vocation as a nonprofit entity.


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Ima li pravde za slobodu izražavanja? - Is there a right to freedom of expression?

This report provides relevant data on cases of media disputes in Serbia, analyzing how competent courts deal with freedom of expression-related issues

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Italy: MFRR partners strongly condemn investigation into Domani journalists


OBCT and MFRR partners note with concern that Italian press freedom has fallen under renewed pressure. We call for the preliminary investigation of three Domani journalists to be immediately dropped, and we urge Italian authorities to respect the confidentiality of journalistic sources in line with international and European press freedom standards

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International Media Freedom and Human Rights Organisations Demand Release of Journalist Dicle Müftüoğlu in Upcoming Trial


On the day of a new hearing of journalist Dicle Müftüoğlu, MFRR partners and international media and human rights organisations call for immediate attention to her case and her unjust detention which starkly violates international legal standards and media freedom

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Serbia: Legal harassment of investigative media outlet KRIK must stop


OBCT joins international press freedom and journalists’ organisations in expressing solidarity with Serbian media outlet KRIK, whose newsroom is continuously subjected to legal harassment

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Greece: MFRR to fund legal appeal for lawsuit against Alterthess


OBCT joins MFRR partners in expressing dismay over the recent court ruling involving a SLAPP lawsuit against Greek media outlet Alterthess and one of its journalists, Stavroula Poulimeni. Given the dangerous consequences that such a legal precedent could have, MFRR organisations have decided to provide funding to cover legal fees for their appeal

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South Tyrol, the information monopoly and a new case of SLAPP


The Bolzano web portal has received a claim for damages for 150,000 Euros from the South Tyrol publishing giant Athesia. According to defence attorney Nicola Canestrini, it is a clear case of SLAPP, a gag complaint

By Paola Rosà

Originally published by OBCT, also available in ITA

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Poland: Journalist must not be jailed for refusing to disclose source


The undersigned partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) today call on the District Prosecutor's Office in the Polish city of Gdansk to drop its legal case against Gazeta Wyborcza reporter Katarzyna Włodkowska and to respect the journalist’s right of source confidentiality protected under the European Convention of Human Rights

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ActiveWatch Media Monitoring Agency

ActiveWatch Media Monitoring Agency is a human rights organization based in Bucharest (Romania) that militates for free communication for public interest. ActiveWatch was founded in 1994 as a media monitoring department of the Catavencu Cultural Academy. It promotes 4 major directions of social intervention: good governance policies, freedom of expression, anti-discrimination and media education.

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