Publication Date: September 2015

In 2015, the online, open access journal Media and Communication devoted a special issue to the topic of surveillance. In the first volume of the issue, the topic of surveillance is examined taking into account a variety of theoretical approaches as well as by providing in depth case studies. 

James Schwoch, John Laprise and Ivory Mills authored the Introduction to the Special Issue. An essay by Christian Fuchs explores the interrelations between Surveillance and Critical Theory

Contributes include Michael McCahill's Theorizing Surveillance in the UK Crime Control Field , Nora Ni Loideain essay on EU Law and Mass Internet Metadata Surveillance in the Post-Snowden Era  as well as Sebastian Kubitschko's reflection on The Role of Hackers in Countering Surveillance and Promoting Democracy .

Media and Communication is an international open access journal dedicated to a wide variety of basic and applied research in communication and its related fields. It aims at providing a research forum on the social and cultural relevance of media and communication processes. All articles can be freely accessed and downloaded here .

Tags: Surveillance

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