Support centres

NGOs, unions and firms providing media and journalism professionals with legal, financial and advocacy support, protection and training opportunities, and other tools

Syndicat National des Journalistes – SNJ

The National Union of Journalists (Syndicat National des Journalistes - SNJ) is the largest journalists' trade union in France. First founded in 1918, it was dissolved by the Vichy regime in 1940 and re-founded in 1946. It is not formally tied to any political organisation. It is a member of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).

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The Belarusian Association of Journalists

The Belarusian Association of Journalists offers free legal and advocacy support to associated staff and freelance journalists, editors, media outlets and civic media/bloggers in Belarus. The person to be contacted is Andrus Klikunou via telephone (+375 17) 203-63-66, on the mobile (+375 29) 126-70-98 or via email:

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The International Cities of Refuge Network (ICORN)

The International Cities of Refuge Network (ICORN) is an independent organisation of cities and regions offering long-term, but temporary shelter to persecuted writers and artists. It was established in 2006 in Stavanger, Norway, after the collapse of the original Cities of Asylum Network (INCA). More than 60 cities worldwide have joined the network so far and no less than 170 writers and artists have found shelter in an ICORN member city: here’s the complete list of ICORN cities of refuge.

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The Rory Peck Trust

The Rory Peck Trust was established in 1995 in memory of freelance cameraman Rory Peck, who was killed in Moscow in 1993. Based in London, the Trust has grown into an international organisation that provides practical and financial support to independent journalists and their families worldwide.

The Trust assists freelancers in four main ways:

- Assistance grants: they are meant to help professional freelance journalists (and/or their family) who are facing a crisis directly related to their work. The amount of assistance varies according to the particular circumstances of the applicant, but may include medical and rehabilitation costs, subsistence costs, legal advice and relocation costs. More info here.

- Training fund: it enables freelance journalists to gain the essential skills and knowledge needed to work in difficult and potentially dangerous situations. Courses teach them to assess risk and spot danger, handle a crisis, support others and give vital first aid. More info here.

- Safety clinics: they are one-to-one consultations, held both online and in person, for freelance journalists, photographers and videographers. Security advisors provide personal guidance and advice on specific safety and risk assessment issues, assignment planning and digital security free of charge to freelancers at all stages of their career. More info here.

- Freelance resources: they are tailored to the safety, security and professional development needs of freelance journalists. These resources are free and accessible to all freelance journalists. More info here.

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TrollBusters provides support for women journalists and writers that are targets of online harassment. The TrollBusters' team provides tools and services - such as personal endorsements; just-in-time coaching and reputation repair services - to support victims of online abuse or other troll behavior.

It was founded in New York City on January 30, 2015 by Michelle Ferrier, Associate Professor at the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism of the Ohio University and former journalist, who was herself a victim of harassment while working as a columnist for the Daytona Beach News-Journal in Florida.

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Türkiye Gazeteciler Cemiyeti (TGC)/ Turkish Journalists' Association

Türkiye Gazeteciler Cemiyeti (TGC), the Turkish Journalists' Association, is Turkey’s largest professional organization in its sector that represents nearly 4,000 journalists. It was founded in 1946. The founders were motivated by the idea that journalists should have an independent professional organization safeguarding the principles of the profession and its members. TGC provides legal assistance to journalists facing courts regardless of whether they are members or not of the association. The TGC publishes a daily newspaper named Bizim Gazete .

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Union of Icelandic Journalists

The Union of Icelandic Journalists (Blaðamannafélag Íslands) is the union representing the journalism professionals in Iceland. Founded in 1897 and counting on some 500 members, the union monitors the state of the media and of media work in the country. It negotiates some working conditions for its members, and it provides them with legal support and educational or professional opportunities. The union can be contacted at or at +354 553-9155.

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Union of Journalists in Finland

The Union of Journalists in Finland is a local NGO and Journalist Organization that offers legal, financial and advocacy support to associated members. Staff and freelance journalists, editors, media outlets, NGOs and journalist associations can contact Petri Savolainen, the Director ( or Juha Rekola (

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Union of Magazine and Electronic Press Journalists - ESPIT

The Union of Magazine and Electronic Press Journalists (ESPIT) was founded in 1959. It is a member of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).

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Union Syndicale des Journalistes – CFDT

The Union Syndicale des Journalistes – CFDT is linked the centre-moderate French Democratic Confederation of Labour (Confédération française démocratique du travail - CFDT). It is a member of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).

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