
177 results

Grants fund investigative journalism - Opportunities

Journalists from Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova can apply for grants for investigative journalism projects

Strategic cybersecurity policy development in Southeast Europe - Opportunities

The Centre for Security, Development and Rule of Law and DiploFundation co-organise the conference “Strategic cybersecurity policy development in Southeast Europe” in Belgrade from 29 November to 1 December 2016

Workshop: Investigative Journalism and Defamation Law in Greece - Opportunities

Joint ECPMF/EFJ/IPI event in Thessaloniki aims to strengthen reporting skills and legal awareness

Call for Participants for Cyber Threats Masterclass - Opportunities

A new specialised course for media professionals within the UNICRI will take place at the United Nations Campus in Turin, Italy. Applications until the 2nd of October

Portugal: Journalism and Mobile Devices Congress, Nov. 22-23 - Opportunities

Journalism and Mobile Devices Congress will take place at Beira University, Portugal, on November 22-23

2016 Global Media Competition on “Breaking Stereotypes on Labour Migration” - Opportunities

ILO launches a global media competition to recognize exemplary media coverage on labour migration 

Jobs at International Center for Journalists - Opportunities

The International Center for Journalists offers jobs and internships

Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Awards - Opportunities

Index on Censorship invites nominations inc artists for the annual Freedom of Expression award

The EU Prize for Journalism 2016 in Georgia - Opportunities

The EU Prize for Journalism seeks to encourage professionalism and ethical conduct in Georgian journalism

Scholarships for Radio Netherlands Training Centre - Opportunities

The Radio Netherlands Training Centre (RNTC) invites applications for scholarships covering the costs of training courses for media professionals