Search media_integrity

Search for "media_integrity" returned 134 matches

How to Counter Fake News? A taxonomy of anti-fake news approaches - Reports

The article provides a first taxonomy of anti-fake news approaches, arguing that contrasting the phenomenon with news laws could aggravate its root causes

Ten years that changed the media: 2007 - 2017 - Reports

How to turn threats into opportunities? A study on the new global media landscape, with special focus on Spain 

Freedom of the Net 2017: Manipulating Social Media to Undermine Democracy - Reports

A comprehensive study of internet freedom in 65 countries, covering 87 percent of the world’s internet users: Freedom of the Net warns that governments around the world have dramatically increased their efforts to manipulate information on social media over the past year

Public Consultation on Fake News - Opportunities

The European Commission seeks views on fake news and disinformation online from citizens, journalists and legal persons from November 13th to February 23rd

“News you don’t believe”: Audience perspectives on fake news - Reports

While a narrow definition of the term “fake news” deals with fabricated news reports, audiences use the same expression in a more broad meaning. RISJ’s Factsheet aims at contributing to the discussion on fake news from the point of view of “ordinary people”

Information disorder: Toward an interdisciplinary framework for research and policy making - Reports

A publication of the Council of Europe which provides a comprehensive conceptual framework and possible solutions to dis-information and mis-information

Junk News and Bots during the German Parliamentary Election: What are German Voters Sharing over Twitter? - Academic Sources

The article studies Twitter data on bot activity and junk news using a set of hashtags related to the 2017 German Parliamentary Election

Beyond Fake News – A Workshop on Media Literacy and Fact Checking - Training

In collaboration with the European Association for Viewers Interests (EAVI),  the European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) will be hosting a workshop in Brussels on September 26th on fake news, media literacy, and the shifting media landscape

Defining "Fake News." A Typology of Scholarly Definitions - Academic Sources

In the last two decades, the term "fake news" has been used with several different meanings, which fall into six categories. It is possible to map them out according to their reliance on facts and their intention to mislead

Call for Papers: Words that Kill, Paris, May 28-30th, 2018 - Opportunities

The George and Irina Schaeffer Center in Paris invites paper proposals that examine the continuum linking symbolic violence in the media and physical violence