Search media 8a

Search for "media 8a" returned 138 matches

Media4Democracy - Stakeholders

Media4Democracy is an EU-funded Technical Assistance Facility strengthening the European Union Delegations’ ability to implement the EU Human Rights Guidelines on Freedom of Expression Online and Offline.

Its mission is to support the EU Delegations’ broad and coherent implementation of the EU Guidelines on Freedom of Expression and to help them to identify, design and implement appropriate near-, medium- and long-term actions.

Media4Democracy is based in Brussels and provides advocacy support and capacity building services to all EU Delegations (EUDs) worldwide, as well as customised technical support to individual EU Delegations.

GiULia (GIornaliste Unite LIbere Autonome) - Stakeholders

Born in 2011, GiULia (United Free Autonomous Women Journalists) is an Italian association that unites women professional journalists and freelancers who have signed the democratic, antifascist and solidaristic manifesto.

It has two main goals:

  • to change the information imbalance about women, also using a language without stereotypes;
  • and to fight for equal job opportunities for women without discriminations

International Academy Belgrade - Stakeholders

International Academy in Belgrade is a specialised NGO for covering the daily life of persons with disabilities, as also of minorities, LGBT community diversities in the society and gender topics. Additional it covers sport topics, health topics, and supports the work of journalists and media in South, East and Central Europe in cooperation with partners.

International Academy is monitoring violations of rights of minorities, persons with disabilities, LGBT community and position of women / men / children in the society, family violence. International Academy publish public reactions.

International Academy Belgrade is partner organisation of the International Institute- International Media Center (II-IMC), South East and Central Europe PR Organisation (SECEPRO) and South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO).

Lithuanian Journalism Center - Stakeholders

The Lithuanian Journalism Centre (LJC) has been established by the Open Society Foundation on 30th of March 1995. The Centre has been registered as an independent non-governmental non-profit organisation for informal education.
The Lithuanian Journalism Centre:

  • organizes mid-career training courses for journalism professionals;
  • offers a 5 months-long journalism course for people without a journalism degree;
  • offers a 5 months-long public relations course for people without a PR degree;
  • organizes Sunday journalism schools for kids and teenagers;
  • organizes a short web-documentary course for youth.
  • organizes conferences, seminars and workshops on journalism and mass media problems;
  • does applied media research and offers insight into communication policies.
  • offers critical thinking, media and information literacy trainings
  • publishes journalism books and methodological materials

Fojo Media Institute - Stakeholders

Fojo is Sweden’s leading institute for media development, working to strengthen free, independent and professional journalism in Sweden and worldwide.

Fojo is an independent institute at the public Linnaeus University, one of Sweden’s biggest universities.

Since 1972, Fojo has built capacity of over 50,000 journalists from more than 100 countries, and is currently active in around 20 countries. Our work centres on the three key words – free, independent and professional.

Coalition For Women In Journalism - Stakeholders

The Coalition For Women In Journalism fosters and supports camaraderie between women journalists around the globe. We were the first to pioneer a worldwide support network for women journalists. Through our mentorship program and advocation for a safe and flourishing professional environment, we are creating spaces for women journalists where they can be nurtured, stay safe, and expand their skills. We work with no national or ethnic boundaries, and offer support to women from all backgrounds.

The Coalition launched in March 2017 as a pro-bono org.

From 2019 it operates as an NGO with the seed funding received from Craig Newmark Philanthropies.

Free Press Unlimited (FPU) - Stakeholders

Free Press Unlimited is a foundation based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, which supports local journalists in war zones and conflict areas in over 43 countries.

The organization also provides practical support for journalists and media practitioners under threat.

Independent Journalism Center of Moldova - Stakeholders

The Independent Journalism Center (IJC) is one of the first media organizations in Moldova. It was founded in 1994 as a project of the Open World House, and in 1998 it became an independent organization.

Currently, the IJC defines its mission through the prism of democratic values by contributing to the consolidation of free and viable media — including new media — by means of training programs for journalists, media education, advocacy campaigns, research, and non-profit journalistic products. From a legal point of view, the IJC is a non-governmental, non-commercial, and apolitical organization.

Over the years, the IJC has launched and carried out various projects to improve both working conditions for journalists in Moldova and the national legal framework governing the media. Also, various actions have been conducted in support of press freedom or to strengthen the solidarity of the media community and to promote professional ethics.

Since February 2000, the IJC has been a member of the South East European Network for the Professionalization of the Media (SEENPM) and since June 2001 has been a member of the International Freedom of Expression eXchange (IFEX).

The IJC currently manages four portals: Media Azi which is used to publish media news, information about IJC activities, reports, and studies; Mediacritica, designed to promote media literacy and critical thinking; Moldova Azi, a multimedia resource providing access to all video materials produced by the IJC Campaign and Production Department; and the website of the School of Advanced Journalism.

Media Development Investment Fund - Stakeholders

Media Development Investment Fund is a mission-driven investment fund based in New York, providing technical and financial assistance to favour the development of sustainable independent news businesses in unfavorable media environments.

Public Media Alliance - Stakeholders

The Public Media Alliance (PMA) is the largest global association of public service broadcasters. It was first founded in 1945 as the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association. The PMA provides a global context for public service broadcasters as they transit in the digital era. It has members (operating through TV, radio and online) in 54 countries.

The about section of the association's site reads that the PMA works "to identify, research and champion common themes in Public service media (PSM) and provide forums for debate and networking. We also act as a bridge between the academic and public debate around PSM and its changing role. We do this practically through running training, symposiums, exchange programmes, publishing research and reviewing the research of others. We are also working to create appropriate benchmarks for PSM".