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Search for "media law" returned 22 matches

The Effects of Mass Surveillance on Journalists’ Relations With Confidential Sources - Academic Sources

A qualitative study on the way real or perceived surveillance impacts on the behaviour of journalists and their relationship with sources

Control the money, control the media - Academic Sources

An account of the ways governments use funding to keep the media in line

Identifying and Countering Fake News - Academic Sources

A paper published on Arizona Legal Studies identifies distinct types of fake news based on intent and motivation, and discusses solutions based on law, market, code/architecture, and social norms

Fighting Putin and the Kremlin’s grip in neo-authoritarian Russia - Academic Sources

An article on the issues faced by liberal journalists in Russia and their coping strategies

Radical Journalism: Lessons from Greece - Academic Sources

How radical journalism in crisis-stricken Greece understands itself and operates in a context that can be described as post democracy

The Impact of Media Freedom, Internet Access and Governmental Online Service Delivery on Corruption - Academic Sources

What's the impact that media freedom, internet access and governmental online service delivery have on corruption? A cross-national study uses secondary data for 157 countries to answer this question  

What We Talk About When We Talk About “Media Independence” - Academic Sources

How do we frame media independence? Does the concept apply equally to commercial and public media? How does digital transformation impact on media independence?

Defining media freedom in international policy debates - Academic Sources

Andrei Richter examines the transformation of notions of media freedom in post-war history

Media Freedom in the Czech Republic - Academic Sources

During the nineties, the privatisation process of the Czech media had a significant impact on the country's political structure and culture. However, despite the relative success of the democratisation of the Czech Republic, there is little empirical evidence to support the claim that the media industry will follow suit

International assistance and media democratization in the Western Balkans: a cross-national comparison - Academic Sources

This report by Irion and Jusic, published by Analitika in 2013, compares the conditions and factors that influence the creation of sustainable and functional media institutions in the democratizing countries of the Western Balkans. It does so by taking into account the strong role played by international assistance programs and conditionality mechanisms.