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Search for "media law" returned 17 matches

Junk News and Bots during the German Parliamentary Election: What are German Voters Sharing over Twitter? - Academic Sources

The article studies Twitter data on bot activity and junk news using a set of hashtags related to the 2017 German Parliamentary Election

Are people incidentally exposed to news on social media? A comparative analysis - Academic Sources

The article examines incidental exposure to news on social media (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter) in four countries (Italy, Australia, United Kingdom, United States) finding that social media use is significantly related to increased news use, even among those who come across news on social media while doing other things

Disinformation and Social Bot Operations in the Run Up to the 2017 French Presidential Election - Academic Sources

In a paper published on First Monday, Emilio Ferrara studies the role of Twitter in the MacronLeaks disinformation campaign

Identifying and Countering Fake News - Academic Sources

A paper published on Arizona Legal Studies identifies distinct types of fake news based on intent and motivation, and discusses solutions based on law, market, code/architecture, and social norms

The spreading of misinformation online - Academic Sources

What is the same and what is different in how conspiracy and scientific news spread online? According to this article, published on PNAS and written by 8 authors based in Italy and the US, for both homogeneity is the primary driver for diffusion, but the cascade dynamics is different.

Characterizing Information Diets of Social Media Users - Academic Sources

The authors of this paper examined the topical composition “information diet” of Twitter users

Communication, Power and Counter-power in the Network Society - Academic Sources

A landmark analysis by Spanish sociologist Manuel Castells on the relations between media and politics in the frame of new online communication systems