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Search for "media_capture" returned 68 matches

eTwinning Spring Campaign 2019: Tackling Disinformation Face to Face - Training

A one-hour webinar that aims to give teachers the tools necessary to address fake news

IJF19: Beyond fake news: what's next for tackling online misinformation - HTML5 video

James Ball surveys the landscape almost three years after "fake news" became the word of the year.

Bulgaria: media ownership in a “captured state” - Reports

A report on the fact-finding mission by ECPMF and OBCT on Bulgaria’s media ownership structures and their implications for media freedom

Tom Law on Media Literacy for newsrooms - HTML5 video

Media literacy is crucial in order to spot misinformation and hate speech online. A short interview with Tom Law, Director of Campaigns and Communications at the Ethical Journalism Network

Fact checking online is more important than ever - HTML5 video

This short video by Swedish fact checker Viralgranskaren and The Internet Foundation In Sweden (IFS) shows the effects that spreading false news online can have. Being critical online and doing fact-checking is crucial

Regulatory Authorities for Electronic Media and Media Literacy – Comparative Analysis of the Best European Practices - Manuals

This study analyses “the best European practices of promoting media literacy”, highlighting the vital role of the regulatory authority for electronic media in fostering a prolific ground for ‘self-sustainable projects’

Societal costs of “fake news” in the Digital Single Market - Reports

The report aims at exploring “the mechanisms of ‘fake news’ and their societal costs in the Digital Single Market”

Social Inequalities in News Consumption - Surveys

The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism’s factsheet finds that an increased digital media environment may favour information inequalities

Informing the “disinformation” debate - Reports

A joint report by Access Now, Civil Liberties Union for Europe, and European Digital Rights discusses the Report by the High Level Expert Group on Fake News and Online Disinformation and related policy documents

A Manifesto for Sustainable Journalism in South East Europe and Turkey - Campaigns

The manifesto presents key points on sustainable journalism to strengthen journalism in South East Europe and Turkey and seeks to identify media that are committed to ethics and transparency to showcase the independent newsrooms to lead the way in public interest
journalism in the region