Search western_balkans

Search for "western_balkans" returned 16 matches

The Trust Factor: EJN Review of Journalism and Self-regulation - Reports

How to build trust with the audience in modern journalism

A difficult profession. Media freedom under attack in the Western Balkans - Reports

A 2015 Human Rights Watch report documents the hostile environment in which journalists work in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia

Reporting neighbours in Balkan media - Reports

What do the Western Balkan countries say about each other in their media outlets? The studies presented in this publication give some answers

A needs assessment of the Media Councils in South East Europe - Reports

This report commissioned by UNESCO and funded by the EU is the first comprehensive regional study on journalism's self-regulatory bodies aims to strengthen their functioning and the overall media accountability in South East Europe

Freedom of media in the Western Balkans - Reports

This report commissioned by the European Parliament analyses media freedom and pluralism in the Western Balkans in light of the EU enlargement policy, providing region-wide monitoring as well as country-specific profiles

Professional journalism and self-regulation. New media, old dilemmas in South East Europe and Turkey - Reports

This UNESCO report provides an important insight into the evolution, current status and challenges of the effective implementation of media self-regulation systems in South East Europe and Turkey