163 results
An informative video presentation on the overview of the European Court of Human Rights case law concerning freedom of expression, media and journalism in 2015
Trends and data related to attacks against journalists in Italy are presented in this mid-year report by Ossigeno Informazione
The new Wikipedia article "Transparency of media ownership in Croatia " has been released in September 2016. The article is part of the series on "Transparency of media ownership in Europe " and will be followed by other country-specific items
The new Wikipedia thematic article "Transparency of media ownership in Europe " has been released in September 2016.
With freedom of information statutes in over 100 countries today, law has become a key tool for journalists from India to Mexico. But their success depends on how they are used and implemented
The annual report by UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression highlights concerning trends in the limitations imposed by Stated on the basis of national security and public order
Russian journalism is still alive. Open Russia awards the best of it
What's the impact that media freedom, internet access and governmental online service delivery have on corruption? A cross-national study uses secondary data for 157 countries to answer this question
An assessment based on Council of Europe indicators for media in a democracy
A 2016 report by BIRN presents a mixed picture of transparency and accountability in the Balkans and Moldova