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Search for "local media" returned 115 matches

Croatia - Media Integrity Matters - Reports

This chapter by the SEE Media Observatory research on democratic development of media systems in SEE focuses on the concept of "media integrity" in Croatia providing in depth analysis of several elements influencing the functioning of the Croatian media system

Who owns Georgia’s media: Power networks and corporate relationships behind Georgian media outlets - Reports

A detailed study released by Transparency International examining the media ownership structure in Georgia with a special focus on media outlets that have national coverage

Media and Democracy in Central Eastern Europe (MDCEE) - Reports

A four year project investigated the relations between democracy and media in the countries that have joined the EU since 2004

Mapping Digital Media: the Czech Republic - Reports

A report by the Open Society Foundation that shows how digital changes affect the media system and democratic services in the Czech Republic

Caught in the Wheels of Power: the political, legal and economic constraints on independent media and freedom of the press in Turkey - Reports

Media freedom and independence in the history of the Republic of Turkey. Analysing the media market, practices and regulations with a particular focus on the political and ideological factors that lie behind a repressive media environment