
163 results

Access to Public Information in Georgia (2010 – 2015) - Reports

This report analyses several Georgian state institutions and assesses how they provide information to the public

Macedonia in the digital age – between the rights and responsibilities while communicating on Internet - Reports

An overview of the legal framework, the implementation and the role of the self-regulatory mechanisms in the sphere of online media and communications in Macedonia

Spain: Press freedom in a moment of change - Reports

Compiled by an international group under the auspices of the IPI, the report "España: La liberdad de prensa en un momento de cambio" brings to the public responses by Spanish politicians confronted with deficiencies in honoring citizens' rights amid a period of major crisis

Journalism at risk. Threats, challenges and perspectives - Books

Journalism at Risk is a new book from the Council of Europe, in which ten experts from different backgrounds examine the role of journalism in democratic societies; - available as hard copy or e-book

Promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression - Reports

The September 2015 report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and the protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, David Kaye focuses on the protection of sources of information and whistle-blowers

Eastern Partnership Media Freedom Landscape 2014 - Reports

The report is based on close monitoring of media freedom in the 6 countries of the Eastern Partnership during the period 2013-2015

Press freedom in the EU: Legal framework and challenges - Legal Resources

The European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) provides with this short briefing, an effective contextualization of the legal framework and the challenges for Press freedom in the EU

Media ownership in Bulgaria: state of play and challenges - Reports

The blurred picture of Bulgarian media ownership restricts citizens’ right to information. A study by the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD)

Freedom House – Slovakia Country Report 2015 - Reports

Freedom House yearly report on press freedom in Slovakia provides a synthetic overview of media freedom in the country during 2014, highlighting main trends and developments

Briefing Notes Series on Freedom of Expression - Academic Sources

With these Briefing Notes, the Centre for Law and Democracy provides a summary of key standards regarding freedom of expression. Articulated into twelve chapters, the Notes tackle the topic from different perspectives, including more traditional ones ("Freedom of expression as a Human Right) as well as topic of more recent origin (e.g., Digital Rights)