
2468 results

Strong unions key to winning decent working conditions - Reports

A new survey by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) shows that unions have helped winning higher pay, saving jobs, and securing new collective agreements over the past twelve months.

Should we be free to hate? ECPMF's writing contest - Opportunities

ECPMF launches a competition for young writers under the age of 27 on the topic of hate speech

(Italian) "The algorithm society: how to use and not be used" - Training

Italian-language seminar on algorithms, their use, and their evolution

European Digital Rights (EDRi) - Stakeholders

EDRi is an association of civil and human rights organisations  from across Europe aimed at defending rights and freedoms in the digital environment. EDRi's key priorities for the next years are privacy, surveillance, net neutrality and copyright reform.

First summer without extra roaming charges | Flash Eurobarometer survey full report - Datasets

The European commission launched a Eurobarometer Flash survey to measure the awareness of the end of roaming charges in the EU and the impact this has had on citizens’ mobile use when travelling within the EU after 15 June 2017

Fixed Broadband Prices in Europe 2016 - Datasets

This study provides comprehensive data on the 2016 retail prices of fixed broadband offers for consumers in the EU28

Broadband coverage in Europe - Datasets

Europe-wide overview and country comparisons on broadband coverage across Europe

Trust-Building Strategies for Journalists - Training

Why trust in journalism is decreasing and what to do about it

Macedonia: Indicators for the level of media freedom and journalists' safety - Reports

Supported by the European Union, the Association of Journalists of Macedonia has produced a report which intends to assess media freedom throughout three main indicators 

Articolo 21 - Stakeholders

Born in 2002 and based in Rome, Articolo 21 is an Italian association which brings together journalists, jurists, economists and persons in the field of culture who want to promote the principle of the freedom of expression as stated in Article 21 of the Italian Constitution.