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Search for "ad-blocking" returned 219 matches

News in Social Media - Academic Sources

The article analyses news-gathering on social media, focusing on theories of opinion leaders and the concept of incidental news consumption. The research uses a combination of representative survey data and qualitative interviews with young people aged 16–19 in Sweden

Italy: From Italian Constitution to the Internet era - Academic Sources

Perspectives, challenges and developments for the Italian jurisprudence

How to Counter Fake News? A taxonomy of anti-fake news approaches - Reports

The article provides a first taxonomy of anti-fake news approaches, arguing that contrasting the phenomenon with news laws could aggravate its root causes

Perfect Storm: The multiple challenges facing public service news and why tackling them is vital for democracy - Reports

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU)’s new study addresses those changing demands, much of which were researched during a rapid tour of small group of European broadcasters in the spring 2017.

Freedom on the Net 2017: Turkey Country Report - Reports

Although Internet freedom in Turkey has been gradually decreasing over the last years, it went through a sharp decline in 2017

Media transparency in Bosnia Herzegovina - Reports

The third edition of a special series of BiH online bulletins, implemented through the “Media and Public Credibility ” project (supported by the EU), which the European Federation of Journalists is also involved in

The Russian VPN ban: another round in the battle for a free Internet - Legal Resources

In the Russian Federation, a new Law that prohibits anonymizers and VPN usage is to enter into force on 1 November 2017. What are VPNs and what does this law mean for freedom of expression? The author attempts to disentangle the technicalities at stake

Media freedom in Montenegro: a survey of publications - Article

The media sector in Montenegro is characterised by strong political polarisation. The few examples of non-aligned investigative journalism are subject to both direct and indirect pressure by the financial and political powers in the form of legal actions and, in the worst cases, of physical attacks to reporters and their property.

Turkey: the legality of post-coup actions and the use of Bylock App as evidence in trials - Legal Resources

An opinion on the legality of the Turkish state's reactions following the 2016 attempted coup and of the controversial use of certain facts as evidences of support or membership to a terrorist organization

Respect my net - Campaigns

European organizations dealing with digital rights are supporting an online platform to report Net Neutrality violations