Search investigative_journalism

Search for "investigative_journalism" returned 196 matches

Brambilla v. Italy - Legal Resources

In a case involving illegal interception of police communication by three Italian journalists, ECtHR reiterates that Article 10 ECHR sets out limits to the protection afforded to the right to freedom of expression which remains valid even where the press reports on serious questions of general interest

Expression Interrupted - Monitoring tool

Expression Interrupted is a website dedicated to tracking the legal process against journalists and academics in Turkey

Freedom on the Net 2017: Turkey Country Report - Reports

Although Internet freedom in Turkey has been gradually decreasing over the last years, it went through a sharp decline in 2017

Media Landscapes 2017: Slovakia - Reports

In the last decade Slovakia media landscape has changed. In what direction is it moving? An updated picture drawn by the European Journalism Centre (EJC)

“News you don’t believe”: Audience perspectives on fake news - Reports

While a narrow definition of the term “fake news” deals with fabricated news reports, audiences use the same expression in a more broad meaning. RISJ’s Factsheet aims at contributing to the discussion on fake news from the point of view of “ordinary people”

Freedom of Expression Awards Fellowship - Opportunities

Index on Censorship offers 4 fellowships to free expression champions in journalism, campaigning, arts and digital activism

"They Go for Gender First." The Nature and Effect of Sexist Abuse of Female Technology Journalists - Academic Sources

Most women journalists writing about technology experience forms of harassment. As a result, they tend to resort to self-censorship and risk to be marginalised from the media industry

Journalism in Times of Crisis: Case Studies in Six SEE Countries - Reports

A study on the way the media in 6 South-eastern European countries have reported on recent socio-political crises

ECPMF Conference e-book: Introduction, presentations, and conclusions - Reports

A conference report collecting the materials of the conference "Promoting dialogue between the European Court of Human Rights and the media freedom community" of March 2017

Protecting the right to freedom of expression under the European Convention on Human Rights - Manuals

A handbook to assist judges, prosecutors, lawyers and human rights’ defenders in ensuring that all cases involving freedom of expression (FoE) are handled in conformity with states’ obligations under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), as developed by the Strasbourg Court