
35 results

Better off without You? How the British Media Portrayed EU Citizens in Brexit News - Academic Sources

A study published on The International Journal of Press/Politics found that EU citizens were generally not portrayed negatively in Brexit news, except in regional newspapers of England and Wales. It also suggests that news media presented the referendum as a vote against migrations in general and not about intra-EU migrations

Information Disorder: The Essential Glossary - Manuals

A short glossary of necessary terminology on information disorder for journalists

Commercial pressures in Spanish newsrooms - Academic Sources

A study based on 50 interviews with Spanish journalists examines how they respond to commercial pressure from newspapers’ advertisers

What Politicians Look for in the News and How That Affects Their Behavior - Academic Sources

The study analyses what kind of information politicians look for in the news and how these “informational media use motives” explain their media responsiveness. Classic uses and gratifications (U&G) tradition in communication research is applied to elite studies by using a survey of Finnish MPs

Hyperlocal News: After the Hype – A Polis/LSE Report - Reports

The report aims to identify trends in the hyperlocal news sector in UK and to stimulate innovation and debate around the digitalization and impact of the hyperlocal news

How the news media activate public expression and influence national agendas - Academic Sources

Media outlets exert a very significant influence on expressed public opinion, a large-scale experiment proves

Italy: a case endangering journalists’ rights to report and protect their sources - Legal Resources

An analysis of the background and context of the on-going case involving Italian journalists Davide Vecchi and Augusto Mattioli, who are writing about the bankruptcy scandal of an historical Italian bank

Digital Sustainability - Needs of Online Local Media in Serbia and Croatia - Reports

A research about the state and needs of local digital media in Serbia and Croatia points out that scarcity of financial resources and recurring threats against journalists represent the main challenges

Media in New Turkey. The Origins of an Authoritarian Neoliberal State - Books

This book describes how Turkey's media environment reflects the country's dynamic political, economic, social and cultural landscapes

Media and the Development Challenge - A one day workshop - Opportunities

A one-day workshop to explore the empirical foundations of the media development field, offered by CIMA and CAMRI at the University of Westminster on July 25