Search for "ESTONIA" returned 71 matches
This study provides comprehensive data on the 2016 retail prices of fixed broadband offers for consumers in the EU28
Europe-wide overview and country comparisons on broadband coverage across Europe
Research funding programme for Russian-speaking journalists and bloggers from Russia, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, the Baltics or the Caucasus
Are you a journalist reporting on climate, energy, or environmental issues for a major media outlet in Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, or Slovenia?
Researchers and scholars based in Moldova, in the Baltic or the Eastern Partnership regions are invited to submit brief proposals on media pluralism, media literacy and information resilience in Moldova by August 31st
A free of charge 1-day seminar on the benefits of open data, organised by the Estonian Literary Museum
The Estonian Union of Journalists (Eesti Ajakirjanike Liit, EAL) was first established in 1919; it represents the journalism and media professionals active in Estonia. The union provides members with defense of economic interests and various forms of legal and professional support, as well as with training and scholarship opportunities. It is also active in monitoring and advocating legislative changes in the country. The union can be contacted at or at +372 646 3699.
This study aims to validate and extend Hallin and Mancini’s framework of comparison to media systems in Central and Eastern Europe
ECtHR judgment Ólafsson v. Iceland overall reinforces freedom of expression in Europe, yet it also features somewhat puzzling conclusions, inviting journalists to seek “appropriate legal advice” in a wide range of situations
The Worlds of Journalism Study (WJS) assesses the state of journalism on a global scale, collecting perceptions on the working conditions and the limitations under which journalists operate