Search data 17journalism

Search for "data 17journalism" returned 89 matches

Legal Defence Centres Fighting for Press Freedom in Italy - Legal Resources

Ossigeno per l’Informazione and the Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights explain their work for journalists and non-profit associations who face legal charges or need legal assistance

Webinar: use of ATI/FOI laws in investigative reporting - Training

A talk with two investigative journalists from Pakistan and Jordan 

News in Social Media - Academic Sources

The article analyses news-gathering on social media, focusing on theories of opinion leaders and the concept of incidental news consumption. The research uses a combination of representative survey data and qualitative interviews with young people aged 16–19 in Sweden

World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development - Global Report 2017-2018 - Reports

A global report by UNESCO analyses the key trends in media freedom, media pluralism, media independence, and the safety of journalists at the global and regional level

Journalism and media privilege - Reports

An overview of the most recent rules, case law, and policies across Europe on the privileges given to journalists when exercising their functions

Freedom on the Net 2017: Turkey Country Report - Reports

Although Internet freedom in Turkey has been gradually decreasing over the last years, it went through a sharp decline in 2017

Whistleblowers: looking for European protection - Article

The second of a series of three thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents.
 Photo fillingthev0id CC BY-NC 2.0

“News you don’t believe”: Audience perspectives on fake news - Reports

While a narrow definition of the term “fake news” deals with fabricated news reports, audiences use the same expression in a more broad meaning. RISJ’s Factsheet aims at contributing to the discussion on fake news from the point of view of “ordinary people”

Freedom of Expression Awards Fellowship - Opportunities

Index on Censorship offers 4 fellowships to free expression champions in journalism, campaigning, arts and digital activism

Media freedom in Montenegro: a survey of publications - Article

The media sector in Montenegro is characterised by strong political polarisation. The few examples of non-aligned investigative journalism are subject to both direct and indirect pressure by the financial and political powers in the form of legal actions and, in the worst cases, of physical attacks to reporters and their property.