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Search for "data journalism" returned 38 matches

Freedom of the Press in Turkey: Far worse than you think - Reports

The report gives an overview on the situation of journalists in Turkey and in exile, sheding light on the developments following 2016 coup attempt

Ethics in the news - EJN Report on Challenges for Journalists in the Post-truth Era - Reports

A report by the Ethical Journalism Network provides assistance to journalists facing the challenges of researching and reporting stories in the post-truth era

Attacks against journalists and media freedom in Europe - Reports

A review of major violations recorded by the Council of Europe “Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists” shows worrying trends particularly in countries affected by conflict and unrest

Committee to Protect Journalists: Journalist killings 2016 - Reports

Deadly violence against the media eased in 2016 from recent record levels as the number of journalists singled out for murder declined. A CPJ special report by Elana Beiser and Elisabeth Witchel

Worldwide Round-up of journalists who are detained, held hostage or missing 2016 - Reports

Annual RSF report reveals 358 journalists are detained and 52 are being held hostage, at the end of 2016, across the world

Media Oligarchs go Shopping - Reports

RSF new report focuses on the impact of money’s "invisible prisons" on journalism, examining how oligarchs capture information across the world

Erdoğan’s ‘New Turkey’ Cancels Out Critical Journalism (January - March 2016) - Reports

In the first 3 months of 2016, in Turkey, 5 journalists have been convicted on charges of “defaming the president”, 22 others have newly been put on trial for the same charges and legal action has been taken against 53 journalists  

Moving Stories. International review of how media cover migration - Reports

The report Moving stories by the Ethical Journalism Network assesses media coverage of migration in Europe and in selected countries across the globe during 2015, highlighting structural deficiencies and good practices 

Media Ownership and Finances in Turkey. Increasing Concentration and Clientelism - Reports

This report explores the mechanisms through which ownership concentration and political clientelism limit media freedom and diversity in Turkey

Press freedom in Turkey's inter-election period - Reports

Pressure on journalists operating in Turkey has severely escalated in the period between the two parliamentary elections held on June 7 and November 1st 2015. The report has been produced following an Emergency Press Freedom Mission conducted by 8 organizations in October 2015. It assesses the rising pressures and threats on journalists as a serious obstacle to free and fair elections