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Search for "fact-checking" returned 36 matches

Media freedom in Bulgaria - Article

The fourth of a series of thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents. The text has been kindly proof-read by Dr. Lada Price from Sheffield Hallam University - CFOM and AEJ - Bulgaria

Foreign media ownership in Europe Saturday 24 March 2018 - Infographic


This new fact-sheet focuses on legislation on foreign media ownership in EU member states, showing that 23 countries out of 28 do not impose any limit. Even where there is some kind of restriction ... A CMPF fact-sheet that highlights how only 5 EU member countries set limits to foreign capital in the media sector

World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development - Global Report 2017-2018 - Reports

A global report by UNESCO analyses the key trends in media freedom, media pluralism, media independence, and the safety of journalists at the global and regional level

Bulgaria: Union of Publishers' Media Freedom White Paper - Reports

The Media Freedom White Paper is a project of the Union of Publishers in Bulgaria (UPB). The report presents the situation of the Bulgarian Media, providing reasons for the steady deterioration of its pluralism and freedom in the last 10 years.

Nations in Transit 2018 – Hungary Country report - Reports

The “Nations in Transit” report on Hungary by Freedom House (2018) provides an overview of the country’s democratic institutions, including a section devoted to independent media 

Ten years that changed the media: 2007 - 2017 - Reports

How to turn threats into opportunities? A study on the new global media landscape, with special focus on Spain 

Teaching the Media - Books

An evergreen handbook which shows the development of media education in schools from the 1960s to 1990s. According to the author, the fundamental principle is that media represent - rather than reflect - reality

Media freedom in Montenegro: a survey of publications - Article

The media sector in Montenegro is characterised by strong political polarisation. The few examples of non-aligned investigative journalism are subject to both direct and indirect pressure by the financial and political powers in the form of legal actions and, in the worst cases, of physical attacks to reporters and their property.

Media in southern and eastern oblasts of Ukraine - Reports

The Institute of Mass Information (IMI) and GFK Ukraine conducted an in-depth monitoring of media in six regions of Ukraine to assess how local media coverage serve the public interest

Media ownership and finances in Kosovo: Legal vacuum and lack of transparency - Reports

This country report by the South East European Media Observatory investigates the lack of transparency in media ownership and financing in Kosovo