Search hate_speech

Search for "hate_speech" returned 111 matches

Sued Into Silence: How the rich and powerful use legal tactics to shut critics up - Reports

A study about SLAPP, strategic lawsuits against public participation, that highlights the situation in Europe, with suggestions and inputs for the future

Covid and Free Speech. The impact of COVID-19 and ensuing measures on freedom of expression in Council of Europe member states - Reports

Background Paper, Ministerial Conference of the Council of Europe, Cyprus 2020: Artificial Intelligence – Intelligent Politics, challenges and opportunities for media and democracy

Fighting Words: Journalism Under Assault in Central and Eastern Europe - Reports

The report examines the state of press freedom in Central and Eastern Europe. Based on the results of a survey of almost a hundred journalists, the paper suggests possible measures to support independent journalism

Freedom on the Net 2019 - The crisis of social media - Reports

Freedom on the Net is an annual study of Internet freedom in 65 countries around the world, covering 87% of the world’s Internet users. It tracks improvement and decline in Internet freedom conditions each year.

Data Voids. Where Missing Data Can Easily Be Exploited - Reports

The assumption that for any given query there is some relevant content is not true. When there is little content available, the most relevant content is low-quality or problematic, or both. The paper shows how manipulators expose users to problematic content by exploiting search engine results

ARTICLE 19 comments on new Italian regulation on ‘hate speech’ - Reports

Some improvements, but also lack of compliance with the international framework: a mixed judgment by ARTICLE 19 welcomes the new AGCOM Regulation in Italy, while hate speech remains a great concern in the country

“It Won’t Always Be Like This": How to Prepare Turkey’s Journalists for a Freer Era - Reports

A study on future of quality journalism in Turkey, based on over 100 interviews, field trips, and workshops: this report proposes innovative solutions such as the opening of “Creative Cafes” and “Journalism Experience Centres”, the sponsoring of international internship programmes, and the mapping of trusted reporters

Online Abuse Now Commonplace for Balkan Women Reporters - Reports

Reflecting the global trend, female journalists in the Balkans are more often attacked online than their male colleagues: an investigation with dozens of interviews and comments and an open platform to collect stories of attacks, harassment and threats, reports of a worrying picture where women are also left alone facing intimidation and its psychological impact

Newsroom Best Practices for Addressing Online Violence against Journalists - Reports

Interviews and visits in 45 newsrooms in 5 countries about online harassment of women: based on data collected in cooperation with the Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), this study examines the protection of female journalists as part of a broader analysis of newsroom strategies to counter online attacks and harassment on all journalists

Media Monitoring Report: Reporting on minority issues and diversity in the media - Reports

Supported by the OSCE Mission to Moldova, the Moldovan Independent Journalism Center monitored TV and online press for one month in order to determine how they report on topics related to ethnic minorities and other groups vulnerable to hate speech