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Search for "national_security" returned 86 matches

2022 Rule of Law Report: country chapter on the rule of law situation in Italy - Reports

The 2022 country chapter on the rule of law situation in Italy analyses four key areas: the justice system, the anti-corruption framework, media pluralism and media freedom, and other institutional issues related to checks and balances

Serbia: Tendering process of national FTA TV licences must be open and transparent - Article

Partner organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) and the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (NUNS) are concerned about the lack of a transparent process for the allocation of national free to air (FTA) TV licences in Serbia and of a Development Strategy for radio and audiovisual media services

Hungary: Fidesz Media Council moves to silence independent station Tilos Rádió - Article

Steady erosion of media pluralism continues after Orbán re-election

Recommendation on the protection, safety and empowerment of journalists - Legal Resources

The Recommendation, published on 16 September 2021, is part of the Commission's work to support media freedom and pluralism in the EU

EU Rule of Law report: Little bark, no bite - Article

The Rule of Law Report can be a valuable tool that empowers civil society. However, for it to become a critical tool that can contribute to the promotion and safeguarding of EU values, MFRR partners believe several fundamental changes are needed

Turkey: Concern over proposals to introduce new regulation of “fake” and “foreign-funded” news - Article

OBCT co-signed a statement condemning the proposal to introduce a new regulation of "fake" and "foreign-funded" news in Turkey. If approved, these measures will further undermine media freedom and pluralism in the country

Media Pluralism Monitor 2021 - Monitoring tool

The Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom at the European University Institute has released the Media Pluralism Monitor 2021, a tool to assess threats to media pluralism in Europe. This report confirms the findings of the previous one, showing that no country is free from risks to media pluralism

Slovenian government eroding media freedom as it takes over EU Presidency - Article

As  Slovenia will assume the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union on July 1, MFRR partners, press freedom organisations and journalism groups release a new report about press freedom deteriorating in the country under Janša Government

Hungary: MFRR condemns decision by Budapest court to reject temporary license extension to Klubrádió - Article

MFRR partners share their concerns over the 4th February decision by a court in Budapest to reject the temporary license extension to Klubrádió in Hungary, warning it will have far-reaching implications for what remains of media pluralism and independent journalism in the country

Slovenia: Radio Študent threatened to lose its funding - Article

The European Federation of Journalists supports the call for the provision of funding