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Insights and trends in antisemitic online hate speech - Reports

Get the Trolls Out! is a project aimed to monitoring antisemitic hate speech in Europe. This report reveals the subtle rhetorical tricks that are typically employed to brainwash the public into hating and discriminating against Jewish people

Making Sense of Statistics - a review and guide by the BBC Trust - Reports

A report reviews the use of statistics by the BBC and provides relevant guidelines on how to use data for journalism

Freedom of Expression and Protection of Journalistic Sources - Reports

A new extensive report on the Protection of Journalistic Sources drafted by the International Legal Research Group and published by the Council of Europe and ELSA

Moving Stories. International review of how media cover migration - Reports

The report Moving stories by the Ethical Journalism Network assesses media coverage of migration in Europe and in selected countries across the globe during 2015, highlighting structural deficiencies and good practices 

Freedom on the net 2014 - Reports

The report Freedom of the net 2014, by Freedom House, reveals how internet freedom around the world has declined for the fourth consecutive year, with a growing number of countries introducing online censorship and monitoring practices

The Transparency of Media Ownership in the European Union and Neighbouring States - Reports

A report based on a survey of media ownership transparency rules in 20 European Union (EU) and neighbouring states

United Kingdom - Media Pluralism Monitor 2014 - Reports

The implementation of the MPM2014 for the United Kingdom shows a low/medium risk for media pluralism in the country

Media freedom and independence in 14 European countries: A comparative perspective - Reports

A comparative analysis across 14 countries and across different types of media services with a view to evaluating and analysing media policy patterns and their contribution to the promotion of media freedom and independence

Getting the facts right - Reporting ethnicity & religion - Reports

A study realised by Media Diversity Institute on media coverage of ethnicity and religion in Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Slovakia and the United Kingdom

MEDIADEM 2010 Background Information Report - Reports

A report on media policies and regulatory practices in a selected set of European countries, the EU and the Council of Europe