Search violence_against_journalists

Search for "violence_against_journalists" returned 24 matches

Greece: Justice Ministry must withdraw proposed amendments on ‘false news’ - Article

MFRR partners understand the threat that misinformation poses, but the passing of heavy-handed legislation is not the correct response, as subjective interpretation of a vaguely worded law can open the door to censorship of legitimate reporting

Greece: demanding swift investigations on the murder of a journalist - Article

Giorgos Karaivaz was murdered on Friday 9 April in front of his house. The MFRR demands a robust response

Greek police urged to explain detention of German documentary crew - Article

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) and Reporters Without Borders (RSF) sent a letter to Greek authorities seeking an urgent explanation for the recent detention of a German documentary on the island of Samos

Greece: Kurdish journalists detained while documenting arrest - Article

Two Kurdish journalists based in Greece, were arrested and detained for documenting the actions of Greek police