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Search for "legal protection" returned 256 matches

Erdoğan is chasing the dream “The media of the majesty” - BİA January-February-March 2015 media observation report - Reports

BİA January-February-March 2015 Media Observation Report reveals "the intensive juridical oppression and the police violence" against citizens, journalists and freedom of expression in Turkey

Watchdogs Under Watch: Media in the Age of Cyber Surveillance - Reports

In this report CIMA examines the relation between cyber surveillance and the limits to privacy and freedom of expression, highlighting the delay of legal regulations in this field

Press freedom in the EU: Legal framework and challenges - Legal Resources

The European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) provides with this short briefing, an effective contextualization of the legal framework and the challenges for Press freedom in the EU

Freedom House – Slovakia Country Report 2015 - Reports

Freedom House yearly report on press freedom in Slovakia provides a synthetic overview of media freedom in the country during 2014, highlighting main trends and developments

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Freedom of Expression in Turkey Report (1995- 2015) - Books

The “Initiative for Freedom of Expression” collects a series of opinions and comments from Turkish defenders of the right to free expression

Countering Online Hate Speech - Manuals

A study by UNESCO, presenting ways to tackle online hate speech through strategies put in practice by different actors.

Freedom of expression and hate speech - Reports

This report offers a comprehensive elaboration on the distinction between freedom of expression and hate speech. By taking into account both key concepts and the legal perspective, it combines a generalist perspective with country-specific elements related to Macedonia

Reconceptualising copyright: adapting the rules to respect freedom of expression in the digital age - Reports

This report examines the current framework of copyright rules from a freedom of expression perspective in order to determine how copyright should be reformed to best promote and protect it

Online Comment Moderation. Emerging Best Practices - Manuals

The study offers a wide range of online comment management methods adopted by media outlets and companies around the world, pointing out to the best practices for dealing with offensive and unsuitable comment and hate speech.

Online Comment Moderation. Emerging Best Practices - Manuals

The study offers a wide range of online comment management methods adopted by media outlets and companies around the world, pointing out to the best practices for dealing with offensive and unsuitable comment and hate speech