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New Wikipedia page updated: Media freedom in Turkey - Wikipedia Item

The Wikipedia article "Media freedom in Turkey" has been updated in July 2016 on the wake of the deteriorating media freedom situation following the coup attempt in Turkey

Erdoğan’s ‘New Turkey’ Cancels Out Critical Journalism (January - March 2016) Wednesday 04 May 2016 - Infographic


Turkey, Censorship, Defamation_and_Libel ... Turkey Censorship Defamation_and_Libel ... Bianet Media Monitoring report highlights that in the first 3 months of 2016, in Turkey, 5 journalists have been convicted on charges of “defaming the president”, 22 others have newly been put ... Erdoğan’s ‘New Turkey’ Cancels Out Critical Journalism (January - March 2016)

Erdoğan’s ‘New Turkey’ Cancels Out Critical Journalism (January - March 2016) - Reports

In the first 3 months of 2016, in Turkey, 5 journalists have been convicted on charges of “defaming the president”, 22 others have newly been put on trial for the same charges and legal action has been taken against 53 journalists  

Media in Turkey in Last Three Months of 2015 - You Name the Title Friday 29 January 2016 - Infographic


  The Independent Communication Network Bianet releases periodic reports on the situation of media in Turkey. For the period October - December 2015, the report provocatively invites the readers ... Turkey, Censorship, Defamation_and_Libel ... Turkey Censorship Defamation_and_Libel ... The Independent Communication Network Bianet releases periodic reports on the situation of media in Turkey. For the period October - December 2015, the report provocatively invites the readers ... Media in Turkey in Last Three Months of 2015 - You Name the Title

Media in Turkey in Last Three Months of 2015: You name the title - BìA October-December 2015 media observation report - Reports

The title of Bianet report for the period October-December 2015 provocatively invites the readers to name the title for this issue: indeed, it could be not much different from previous ones appeared in the last 5 years, as the situation is constantly worsening

Increasing pressure on press: Democracy in question in Turkey (July-September 2015) Thursday 15 October 2015 - Infographic


The Independent Communication Network Bianet releases periodic reports on the situation of media in Turkey. For the period July - September 2015, the report highlights how the serious deterioration ... Turkey, Censorship, Defamation_and_Libel ... Turkey Censorship Defamation_and_Libel ... The Independent Communication Network Bianet releases periodic reports on the situation of media in Turkey. For the period July - September 2015, the report highlights how the serious deterioration ... Increasing pressure on press: Democracy in question in Turkey (July-September 2015)

Captured News Media: The Case of Turkey - Reports

The research commissioned by the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) is a case study of the media capture phenomenon in Turkey. It gives a historical overview of how the phenomenon has unfolded, which strategies political elites have employed to capture the media, and the overall results and effects on society

Increasing pressure on press: Democracy in question in Turkey - BìA July-September 2015 media observation report - Reports

BIA July-August-September 2015 Media Monitoring Report indicates that criminalization towards journalists and media in Turkey have become more widespread after a peace process was "put into cold storage"

Freedom on the net 2015 - Reports

Freedom on the Net – a comprehensive report on internet freedom produced annually by Freedom House - analyses the state censorship of on-line media in 65 countries around the world

Media Freedom is part of the solution to the Kurdish issue - Reports

The study examines the ties between the Kurdish question and the attacks against media freedom in Turkey