
99 results

NewsGuard - Monitoring tool

A browser extension rating news websites based on their trustworthiness.

IJF19: Beyond fake news: what's next for tackling online misinformation - HTML5 video

James Ball surveys the landscape almost three years after "fake news" became the word of the year.

New digital threats to media pluralism in the information age - Reports

The increasing concentration of resources and the spreading of disinformation threaten quality information and media pluralism online. This essay, belonging to the Working Paper Series on 'Freedom and Pluralism of the Media, Society and Markets', focuses on economic, quality, and social threats, with the goal of examining dangers to pluralistic, quality information and finding responses to preserve media pluralism and a professional process of information production

CPDP 2019: Disinformation and online advertising: do we need to rethink the Internet’s business model? - HTML5 video

Which are the causes, drivers, and scope of the problem of disinformation? What role does targeted advertising play in the spread of disinformation online? What role does legislation, policy, or other initiatives have in thwarting its spread?

Guide to Advertising Technology - Reports

Journalists need to know how advertising technology works

​German Ban on Leftist Internet Platform Violates Media Freedom - Legal Resources

The Society for Civil Rights has submitted a Brief as a "friend of the court" on the ban of left-wing portal linksunten.indymedia. The ban is crucial for media freedom in Germany

Media Manipulation, Amplification and Responsibility - HTML5 video

danah boyd, founder of Data & Society, gave the opening speech at ONA2018, the annual conference of the Online News Association.

Automated Serendipity - Academic Sources

According to an article published on “Digital Journalism”, people that use search engines for online news use more diverse and more balanced sources.

Reality Lost. Markets of Attention, Misinformation and Manipulation - Books

This open access book analyzes the current media environment and how it can contribute to the transformation of democracy into a post-factual democracy

Neutrollization: Industrialized trolling as a pro-Kremlin strategy of desecuritization - Academic Sources

This research paper, published on the Security Dialogue journal, identifies and discusses the practice of "neutrollization", a trolling practice aimed at neutralising civil society attempts to cast the Kremlin regime as a societal security threat