Search access_to_information

Search for "access_to_information" returned 36 matches

Montenegro: Indicators for the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety - Reports

Supported by the European Union, the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro has produced a report which intends to measure the country's level of media freedom using three main indicators

Montenegro - Media Pluralism Monitor 2016 - Reports

The 2016 report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) also deals with the case of Montenegro

Shut up or I'll sue you! The Effects of the Laws on Libel in Italy - Reports

Ossigeno per l’Informazione marked the International Day to end impunity for crimes against journalists by releasing a new publication focusing on the effects of libel laws in Italy

Accreditation of Foreign Journalists in the OSCE region - Reports

The report examines international standards, scholarly approaches and accreditation rules of ministries of foreign affairs in a number of the OSCE participating States, seeking to explore and clarify the legal nature and specifics of accreditation for foreign journalists. The report produces recommendations on how to harmonize these rules with international standards

Media freedom in Romania 2014-2015 - Reports

This report by Active Watch Romania, covers the events related to freedom of expression and media freedom that occurred in Romania between January and April 2015

Freedom House – Slovakia Country Report 2015 - Reports

Freedom House yearly report on press freedom in Slovakia provides a synthetic overview of media freedom in the country during 2014, highlighting main trends and developments