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Search for "data journalism" returned 357 matches

ALBANIA – Indicators on the Level of Media Freedom and Journalists' Safety in Albania, 2022 - Reports

“Indicators on the Level of Media Freedom and Journalists' Safety in Albania '' is a publication produced by Safejournalists network. The scope of this document is to analyse the ongoing situation in the country with respect to legal protection, editorial independence and safety of journalists

Mapping Media Freedom Monitoring Report 2022 - Reports

The 2021 Monitoring Report offers an overview of media freedom violations in the EU and candidate countries from January to December 2022. It addresses in particular four major developments: the war in Ukraine; the abuse of legal actions to silence legitimate public journalism; the rise in online attacks and environmental reporting.

Acts of intimidation against journalists – Year 2022 - Reports

“Acts of Intimidation against Journalists – Year 2022” is a publication by the Italian Ministry of the Interior and the Department of Public Security.  The scope of this document is to analyse the ongoing situation in the country with respect to the evolution of the threats to the safety of journalists

Nations in Transit 2023, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Freedom House Report - Reports

The report analyses the evolution of the democratic institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2022, taking into account different scores and indicators

Sustainable innovative journalism and new business models. Report by European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) - Reports

This EFJ report investigates efforts dedicated to advancing sustainable and innovative journalism, encompassing initiatives that delve into novel approaches to business models

25th Anniversary of the Mandate of the OSCE Representative on Freedom on the Media – Can there be security without media freedom? - Reports

“Can there be security without media freedom?'' is a report published by the office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom on the Media. The scope of this document is to analyse the impact of technology on the media ecosystem and the challenges to overcome. The report formulates a list of recommendations directed to strengthening media freedom, human rights, democracy, and security in the years to come

The State of State Media 2022 - A global analysis of the editorial independence of state media based on the state media matrix (2022 edition) - Reports

“The State of State Media” is published by the Media and Journalism Research Center. The study analyses the level of independence of public media outlets in all continents

Monitoring Report - Mapping Media Freedom January - June 2022 - Reports

The current Monitoring Report tracks media freedom violations across Europe during the first semester of 2022

Intimidation and mafia influences in the world of journalism and information - Reports

The Parliamentary sub-committee mafia, journalists and world of information within the Antimafia Commission monitors the limitations to press freedom caused by organised crime. The report recognises that overcoming forms of exploitation and precariousness and supporting less structured but more exposed editorial activities is a democratic duty

CMPF’s contribution to the Call for Evidence on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) - Reports

In this contribution to the call for evidence on the European Media Freedom Act, CMPF analyses why such a measure is needed and what issues it should tackle