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Search for "defamation_and_libel" returned 59 matches

Who is afraid of journalists? The MFRR Italy Mission Report - Article

The collection of findings and recommendations by the partners of the MFRR, in a booklet curated by OBCT.

Following the MFRR Italy Mission from 4 to 6 April, coordinated by OBCT, the conclusions about SLAPP, defamation and safety of journalists are published here

SLAPP and democracy, side effects and collateral damage - Article

Strategic lawsuits against public participation heavily impact on the citizens' right to be informed - that is why society needs to be able to respond to and to prevent this kind of abuse of legal tools. Here is a series of analysis and perspectives inspired by cases involving journalists and human rights defenders in Italy

Serbia: Penal Code amendments require open and comprehensive debate - Article

We co-signed a statement calling for a broader and open consultation on the amendments of the Penal Code proposed by the Ministry of Justice

Poland: journalist’s criminal defamation conviction may further impair freedom of expression - Article

MFRR partners stand in solidarity with Polityka journalist Ewa Siedlecka, who has been convicted of criminal defamation. Amid the ongoing erosion of media freedom in Poland, there is a justified fear that this verdict might pave the way for a wider criminalisation of expressing an opinion based on information present in the public space

Remembering Daphne - Article

International civil society coalition marks fourth anniversary of the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia with renewed call for justice

Greece: Justice Ministry must withdraw proposed amendments on ‘false news’ - Article

MFRR partners understand the threat that misinformation poses, but the passing of heavy-handed legislation is not the correct response, as subjective interpretation of a vaguely worded law can open the door to censorship of legitimate reporting

Turkey: growing digital censorship compounds press freedom crisis - Article

We joined ten other organisations in a mission to Turkey led by IPI. While the government refused the invitation for a meeting, journalists, civil society representatives, MPs and other institutions denounced an ever-worsening environment for Turkey's remaining independent press

British journalist Clare Rewcastle Brown may be arrested in Spain following threats by the Malaysian government - Article

We co-signed a letter calling on INTERPOL to clarify its involvement in the arrest warrant issued against British journalist Clare Rewcastle Brown amid fears she may be arrested in Spain following threats by the Malaysian government

Croatia: MFRR partners concerned about wave of abusive legal actions against - Article

MFRR partners condemn the wave of abusive legal actions filed against, many of which used by powerful individuals as a means of silencing critical expression

Malta: MFRR concerned over disinformation and discredit campaign - Article

The MFRR stands in solidarity with the journalists targeted by the recent disinformation and discredit campaign and calls on the Maltese authorities to take decisive measures to protect journalists