Search ethics_of_journalism

Search for "ethics_of_journalism" returned 111 matches

Summer School: Journalism in the Era of Algorithms and AI - Opportunities

20 scholarships are offered to outstanding journalists from COE countries for the 7th edition of the CPMF’s Summer School

News in Social Media - Academic Sources

The article analyses news-gathering on social media, focusing on theories of opinion leaders and the concept of incidental news consumption. The research uses a combination of representative survey data and qualitative interviews with young people aged 16–19 in Sweden

Information Not Found: The “Right to Be Forgotten” as an Emerging Threat to Media Freedom in the Digital Age - Reports

An overview of legislation patterns and suggestions to solve the dilemma between freedom of information and the right to be forgotten

The Panama and Paradise Papers: The Rise of a Global Fourth Estate - Academic Sources

This article connects recent large-scale projects by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), such as the Panama and Paradise Papers revelations, to ongoing theoretical discussions about emergent forms of journalism

Hyperlocal News: After the Hype – A Polis/LSE Report - Reports

The report aims to identify trends in the hyperlocal news sector in UK and to stimulate innovation and debate around the digitalization and impact of the hyperlocal news

Self-regulation and “hate speech” on social media platforms - Reports

An Article 19 proposal on how to protect freedom of expression and human rights in digital environments

Journalism Ethics in Digital Age - Manuals

This guide in Spanish addresses the main concerns of journalists and media regarding ethical challenges of the fast-paced era of digital news

Reporting from the danger zone - Books

A book based on 32 interviews with war-zone journalists compares yesterday’s and today’s challenges and stresses the importance of ethical journalism

The 5 Core Values of Journalism - HTML5 video

In this short video Aidan White, Director of the Ethical Journalism Network, describes the five core values that make ethical journalism really distinctive

Media and Trafficking in Human Beings Guidelines - Manuals

These guidelines published by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) aim to help editors and reporters to better understand the issues related to trafficking human beings and to shape their stories in ways that avoid the dangers lurking in an aggressive and competitive media landscape