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Search for "harassment" returned 82 matches

2022 Rule of Law Report: country chapter on the rule of law situation in Romania - Reports

The Rule of Law Report is an annual document produced by the European Commission from 2020. It aims at addressing issues such as the state of the judiciary, freedom of the media, corruption, and other questions which have emerged as crucial for a comprehensive analysis of the state of rule of law across the EU

Renate Schroeder, EFJ: Why we need a strong Media Freedom Act in Europe - Article

An analysis by the Director of the European Federation of Journalists

New report by the Media Freedom Rapid Response finds systemic challenges to press freedom in Greece - Article

Today, the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) publishes the report “Controlling the Message: Challenges for independent reporting in Greece”, which details the findings and recommendations of its online fact-finding mission to Greece

Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on promoting a favourable environment for quality journalism in the di... - Legal Resources

Adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 17 March 2022 at the 1429th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies

UN-EU High-level Policy Dialogue on safety of journalists and media freedom - Article

Under the title "Protecting the safety of journalists, media freedom and pluralism in the European Union: challenges and opportunities", a full day of discussions and meetings will analyze the state of media freedom and safety of journalists, collecting recommendations and stories. On 24 February 2022, from 9:30 to 18:00, the event will be both in-person in Brussels, and online

Mapping Media Freedom Monitoring Report 2021 - Reports

The 2021 monitoring report for the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) summarises media freedom violations across EU Member States, candidate countries, and the United Kingdom from January until December 2021. The report is divided in 4 main sections which offer quantitative and qualitative analysis of the main attacks perpetrated against media workers during the year

MFRR Monitoring Report: January - June 2021 - Reports

The MFRR monitoring report summarises press and media freedom violations across EU Member States and candidate countries from January 2021 until June 2021. Throughout the reporting period, 272 alerts have been documented, ranging from verbal attacks to legal incidents. 438 individuals or media entities in 26 countries have been subject to one or more press freedom violations

Bulgaria: MFRR partners ask the interim government to examine the state of media freedom in the country - Article

Improvement of the situation in Bulgaria needs significant will, as well as a broader recognition of the fundamental role that independent journalism plays for the society. MFRR asks the interim government to prioritise the investigation of threats and attacks against journalists

Global Conference for Media Freedom 2020: CSOs call on States for concrete actions - Article

On November 16, the Advisory Network to the Media Freedom Coalition, a group of 17 national, regional and international organisations, delivered a statement at the ministerial meeting of the 2020 Global Conference for Media Freedom, asking for protection and support and respect for journalists and media workers

Slovenia: OBCT joins IPI's statement condemning brazen use of SLAPP - Article

We believe it is abundantly clear that the number and nature of the spurious defamation lawsuits against Necenzurirano are not aimed at achieving justice, but instead at silencing the outlet by forcing its journalists to fight time-consuming and costly legal battles, draining them financially and discouraging them from further reporting