Search investigative journalism

Search for "investigative journalism" returned 77 matches

Newsrooms of the world unite! Finding a global solution to misinformation - HTML5 video

Trust in media and the fight against misinformation cannot be solved within one region alone, or just by journalists alone. It is a global problem that requires a global solution. A discussion at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, April 2018

Critical perspectives on the disinformation discussion - HTML5 video

What do we know about disinformation and what can be done about it? Are proposed solutions sometimes worse than the actual diseases at hand? Or are we critically underestimating the scale of the problem and missing opportunities to effectively address it? A roundtable on critical perspectives on disinformation at the 2018 edition of the International Journalism Festival in Perugia

How The Wall Street Journal is preparing its journalists to detect deepfakes - Reports

Deepfakes, false videos created with artificial intelligence and machine learning, are coming. Newsroom should train their journalists to detect them. Francesco Marconi and Till Daldrup (WSJ) share some insights and tips

Media Manipulation, Amplification and Responsibility - HTML5 video

danah boyd, founder of Data & Society, gave the opening speech at ONA2018, the annual conference of the Online News Association.

Hacks, leaks and disruptions – Russian cyber strategies - Reports

This edition of the Chaillot Papers, the monographic publication by the European Union Institute for Security Studies, is devoted to Russia’s cyber posture, some case studies of Russian cyberattacks, and EU and NATO approaches to cyber threats

Call for Papers: Communication, Technology and Human Dignity - Opportunities

The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) seeks papers and proposals for its annual congress. The central theme for 2019 focuses on communication-related rights. Deadline: February 8, 2019

Weaponizing the Digital Influence Machine: The Political Perils of Online Ad Tech - Reports

Developments in technology have turned digital political advertising into a weapon which is dangerous to democracy, a report by Data & Society argues

Reconstruction of the socio-semantic dynamics of political activist Twitter networks - Academic Sources

A case study of the French political landscape on Twitter during the 2017 presidential election, and how different political communities share fake news and debunks

Journalism, 'Fake News' and Disinformation: A Handbook for Journalism Education and Training - Manuals

As a part of the “Global Initiative for Excellence in Journalism Education” UNESCO published an handbook on journalism and disinformation that can be used as a model curriculum.

Fake News as a Floating Signifier: Hegemony, Antagonism and the Politics of Falsehood - Academic Sources

The paper, published on Javnost - The Public Journal, argues that “fake news” has become a “floating signifier”, something which is used by different factions as a part of a battle to impose their viewpoint