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Search for "professional_journalism" returned 119 matches

Global Investigative Journalism Network - GIJN - Stakeholders

The Global Investigative Journalism Network is an international association of journalism organizations that support the training and sharing of information among investigative and data journalists, even in repressive regimes and marginalized communities.

Key activities include:

  • Providing resources and networking services to investigative journalists worldwide;
  • Publishing in multiple languages and on multiple platforms the latest tools, techniques and opportunities for those in the field;
  • Helping organize and promote regional and international training conferences and workshops;
  • Assisting in the formation and sustainability of journalism organizations involved in investigative reporting and data journalism around the world;
  • Supporting and promoting best practices in investigative and data journalism;
  • Supporting and promoting efforts to ensure free access to public documents and data worldwide.

“It Won’t Always Be Like This": How to Prepare Turkey’s Journalists for a Freer Era - Reports

A study on future of quality journalism in Turkey, based on over 100 interviews, field trips, and workshops: this report proposes innovative solutions such as the opening of “Creative Cafes” and “Journalism Experience Centres”, the sponsoring of international internship programmes, and the mapping of trusted reporters

Media Development Investment Fund - Stakeholders

Media Development Investment Fund is a mission-driven investment fund based in New York, providing technical and financial assistance to favour the development of sustainable independent news businesses in unfavorable media environments.

IJF19: Fast & slow: the place of investigative journalism in a digital world - HTML5 video

A panel about long-form investigative journalism and digital storytelling.

IJF19: Can thematic newsrooms help fill the public-interest gap? - HTML5 video

Over the past 3 or 4 years, a few donors and NGOs have started investing directly in funding, launching, or incubating thematic units staffed and run by journalists, and producing independent investigative journalism to cover public-interest issues they care about. Not everyone is comfortable with that, while others see this as natural

Investigative Reporting Project Italy (IRPI) - Stakeholders

Investigative Reporting Project Italy (IRPI), is an association of investigative journalists based in Italy whom are experimenting new approaches, production and distribution models of investigative journalism. IRPI is the first of its kind in Italy and it favours topics such as the public spending, organised crime, environmental impoverishment, corporate policiesthat lead to illegal profits or social injustice, investigating stories through a transnational angle. It also provides the first Italian platform for whistleblowers .

As stated in its manifest, the association addresses a globalised citizenship through international media. IRPI has established itself as an independent organisation and it carries out its investigations thanks to funds raised through a mix of donations from foundation and grants for journalists.

Romania’s press freedom fall - Reports

This short report by Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) describes the current situation in Romanian media as press freedom has sharply declined in recent years. The country ranked 44th out of 180 countries in RSF’s 2018 World Press Freedom Index

Covert Filming - Training

A one-day course providing an insight into the many aspects for preparation of an undercover investigation

Journalists: The bête noire of organized crime - Reports

Reporters Without Borders released a compelling collection of case studies and interviews with journalists threatened by mafias and criminal groups worldwide

Covert Filming - Training

From technical advice on covert filming equipment and techniques to the ethical and legal aspects