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Search for "media_literacy" returned 363 matches

Freedom House – Poland Country Report 2017 - Reports

Freedom House's yearly report on press freedom in Poland provides an overview of media freedom in the country during 2016, highlighting main trends and developments

Journalists in jeopardy: Media workers silenced through violence and arrest in 2016 - Reports

In 2016, a total of 1,387 reports of threats, limitations and violations to press freedom were verified by Mapping Media Freedom’s network of correspondents, partners and other sources based in Europe

Killing the Messenger 2016 - Reports

An analysis of news media casualties carried out for the International News Safety Institute by Cardiff School of Journalism

Global Media Freedom Dataset - Indexes

The Global Media Freedom Dataset ranks the media environment in each country on the basis of the capability of journalists to express criticism and to keep those in power accountable 

Fighting for recognition: Online abuse of women bloggers in Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States - Academic Sources

This study argues that democratic potential of social media in democracies remains haphazard because online abuse is not fully recognized as entangling online and offline communication, constituted and constructed through technological, legal, social, and cultural factors. It is based on interviews with 109 bloggers who write about feminisms, family, and/or maternity politics. According to the findings 73.4% had negative experiences due to blogging and/or social media use

Freedom of the Press in Turkey: Far worse than you think - Reports

The report gives an overview on the situation of journalists in Turkey and in exile, sheding light on the developments following 2016 coup attempt

Turkey: A Prison for Journalists - HTML5 video

In 2016, Turkey became the world's leading jailer of journalists, imprisoning at least 81 reporters, editors, and producers, a record number. 

Attacks against journalists and media freedom in Europe - Reports

A review of major violations recorded by the Council of Europe “Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists” shows worrying trends particularly in countries affected by conflict and unrest

Protecting Journalism Sources in the Digital Age - Reports

This study, which covers 121 UNESCO Member States, represents a global benchmarking of journalistic source protection in the Digital Age

Montenegro Freedom of the Press 2016 - Reports

Freedom House Montenegro report for 2016 draws a comprehensive picture of the latest developments, taking into account the legal environment as well as political and economic interferences in the regular functioning of media