Search for "ALBANIA" returned 64 matches

Access to public information in Albania - Wikipedia Item

The article on Access to public information in Albania  has been created. This contribution is part of the series on "Access to public information in Europe " and will be followed by other country-specific items.

Media Ownership Monitor - Reporters without Borders - Monitoring tool

The Media Ownership Monitor is a global research and advocacy initiative launched by Reporter Without Borders to increase transparency about media ownership

Comparing models and demanding reforms of public service media in South East Europe - Reports

A comparative overview of funding and governing models of the public service media in the countries of South East Europe

Transparency of media ownership in Albania - Wikipedia Item

A new section on transparency of media ownership has been created within the article "Media of Albania". This is part of the series on "Transparency of media ownership in Europe   " and will be followed by other country-specific items.

Journalism Education in South East Europe - Books

A cross-national survey among journalism students in SEE enquires their motivation and level of satisfaction with current curricula, formulating recommendations for future developments

The Future of Public Service Broadcasting in the Western Balkans: The Need for a New paradigm - Reports

Public Service Broadcasters (PSB) in the countries of the Western Balkans are in crisis. At stake is the very legitimacy of public service broadcasting in the region.

Transparency in the Balkans and Moldova - Reports

A 2016 report by BIRN presents a mixed picture of transparency and accountability in the Balkans and Moldova

Freedom of Expression and Protection of Journalistic Sources - Reports

A new extensive report on the Protection of Journalistic Sources drafted by the International Legal Research Group and published by the Council of Europe and ELSA

State-media financial relations in the countries of South East Europe - Reports

A regional overview of monetary flows between the state and the media is South East Europe demonstrates the systematic misuse of public funds for establishing control over media

European Western Balkans: 2015 World Press Freedom Index Thursday 10 December 2015 - Infographic


Media_freedom, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo ... Media_freedom Croatia Serbia Bosnia Herzegovina Montenegro North Macedonia Albania Kosovo ... Balkans. According to the index elaborate by RWB, Macedonia and Montenegro show the most negative results, ranking #117 and #114, respectively. Concerning results are expressed also for Kosovo and Albania