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Search for "journalism education" returned 48 matches

Media (In)dependence in Bulgaria: Risks and Trends - Reports

A report by the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) about political influences on Bulgarian media

Burnout in journalists: a systematic literature review - Reports

A concise, comprehensive, and systematic review of the quantitative literature relating to the experience of burnout in journalists

Croatia: IREX Media Sustainability Index 2015 - Reports

IREX Media Sustainability Index (MSI) considers developments over time, with a specific focus on economic sustainability, quality of journalism and management practices 

Montenegro: IREX Media Sustainability Index 2015 - Reports

IREX Media Sustainability Index (MSI) considers developments over time in the media landscape of Montenegro, with a specific focus on economic sustainability; quality of journalism and management practices 

United Kingdom - Media Pluralism Monitor 2014 - Reports

The implementation of the MPM2014 for the United Kingdom shows a low/medium risk for media pluralism in the country

Mapping Digital Media: the Czech Republic - Reports

A report by the Open Society Foundation that shows how digital changes affect the media system and democratic services in the Czech Republic

Mapping Digital Media: Slovakia - Reports

A report by the Open Society Foundation examines how digital changes affect the media system of Slovakia

A free and pluralistic media to sustain European democracy - Reports

This report presents the final recommendations drawn by the European Commission High Level Group on Media Freedom and Pluralism, established in October 2011 with the task to provide a set of recommendations for the respect and the promotion of pluralism and freedom of the media in Europe