646 results
The report Moving stories by the Ethical Journalism Network assesses media coverage of migration in Europe and in selected countries across the globe during 2015, highlighting structural deficiencies and good practices
How EU can face Russian rhetoric and IS propaganda? A report from the Polish Institue of International Affairs
The refugee crisis in 2015 posed a significant challenge to European politics and to media reporting on this topic. Cartadiroma.org assesses how media covered the refugee crisis in Italy
This position paper drafted by OBC discusses the challenges to media freedom and pluralism in Europe, considering the challenges for prtecting these rights within EU member states and in candidate and potential candidate in South-East Europe
The practice of soft censorship is undermining the media industry across Macedonia through financial incentives and partisan influence
This report analyses several Georgian state institutions and assesses how they provide information to the public
An overview of the legal framework, the implementation and the role of the self-regulatory mechanisms in the sphere of online media and communications in Macedonia
The report provides recommendations on the characteristics of the independent regulatory authorities, providing elements to be taken into consideration by the Commission in the review of the AVMSD
This report explores the mechanisms through which ownership concentration and political clientelism limit media freedom and diversity in Turkey
This country report by the South East European Media Observatory investigates the lack of transparency in media ownership and financing in Kosovo