
56 results

Press Council in Bosnia-Herzegovina - Stakeholders

The Press Coucil BiH is a self-regulatory body for print and online media, whose aim is to mediate between unsatisfied media readers, and print and online media as well as to supervise the application of the BH Press Code. Furthermore, it contributes to improve professional standards in print and online media of Bosnia-Herzegovina in order to protect public from unprofessional and manipulative journalistic reporting and media from political and economical pressures that jeopardize freedom of informing and freedom of media.

The complaints commission, which operates as an adivory body within the Association, considers monitoring results and public complaints about the writings of media in BiH. It monitors the implementation of the Press Code of BiH in all newspapers and publically reacts to breaches of ethical journalism standards foreseen by the Press Code of BiH.

Front Line Defenders - Support Centres

Front Line Defenders provides rapid and practical support to human rights defenders at risk through:

  • international advocacy on behalf of human rights defenders at risk, including emergency support for those in immediate danger (see here );
  • grants to pay for the practical security needs of human rights defenders (see here ); 
  • trainings and resource materials on security and protection, including digital security (see here );
  • rest, respite and other opportunities for human rights defenders dealing with extreme stress (see here );
  • opportunities for networking and exchange between human rights defenders, including at the biennial Dublin Platform (see here );
  • the annual Front Line Defenders Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk;
  • an emergency 24-hour phone line for human rights defenders operating in Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

In emergency situations Front Line Defenders can facilitate temporary relocation of human rights defenders.

Front Line Defenders is a member of the Journalists in Distress (JID) Network.

Contact information (here ): Emergency Hotline +353 121 00489 - SKYPE: front-line-emergency

Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) - Support Centres

CPJ provides support to frontline journalists, and work to ensure that all journalists, including freelancers and media support workers, are aware of safety and security issues before entering a conflict zone. CPJ works to prevent deaths, detentions, kidnappings, and other dangers through information sharing and practical guidance. It also provides on-the-ground advocacy and rapid response support to journalists who are injured, imprisoned, or forced to flee because of their work.

CPJ Journalist Assistance program dispenses emergency grants to journalists in distress worldwide through CPJ’s Gene Roberts Emergency Fund (not available for organizations, media outlets, or media projects). More information and resources here.

CPJ is a founding member of the ACOS Alliance, which stands for ‘A Culture of Safety’ and promotes the Freelance Journalist Safety Principles which news organizations and press groups have signed. More information and resources here.

CPJ is also a member of the Journalists in Distress (JID) network, a group of 18 international organizations that provide direct assistance to journalists and media workers whose lives or careers are threatened because of their work. Each organization has its own mandate and criteria for emergency assistance; the network does not engage in joint advocacy. More information here

CPJ’s four-part Safety Kit provides journalists and newsrooms with basic safety information on physical, digital and psychological safety resources and tools.


Media Diversity Institute Europe - Stakeholders

The Media Diversity Institute (MDI) works internationally to encourage and facilitate responsible media coverage of diversity. It aims to prevent the media from intentionally or unintentionally spreading prejudice, intolerance and hatred.

Peace Institute - Stakeholders

The Peace Institute is a private, independent, non-profit research institution founded in 1991 and situated in Ljubljana (Slovenia). Among the activities of the Institute there are scientific research, advocacy, interdisciplinary research, educational and awareness-raising activities the areas of social science, humanities, anthropology and law, in five thematic fields: human rights and minorities, politics, media, gender and cultural policies. The Peace Institute is member of the South East European Network for Professionalization of Media.

Montenegro Institute for Media - Stakeholders

Montenegro Institute for Media is a non-profit and non-political organisation devoted to the improvement of professional standards of journalism in Montenegro by training journalists and media professionals. The institute is part of South East European Network for Professionalization of Media