Search for ""Turkey"" returned 70 matches
This book critically and comprehensively engages with the European Court of Human Rights’ positive obligations case law, including references to media law matters
The role of online news portals as intermediaries and their liability for user-generated content has been at the centre of two recent ECtHR cases (DELFI and MTE). Divergent outcomes leave room for many questions
Turkey: the abortive coup d’état and the state of emergency in effect since 20 July worsen the crack down against media. A report by Reporters Without Borders
A new extensive report on the Protection of Journalistic Sources drafted by the International Legal Research Group and published by the Council of Europe and ELSA
An interview for the Swiss section of Amnesty International by Erol Önderoglu, journalist and representative of Reporters without Borders in Turkey, arrested on June 20, 2016 with charges of "terrorist propaganda"
Journalist organizations in Turkey launched a petition calling for the release of journalists and for ensuring freedom of press and expression in the country
A review of the European Court of Human Rights and European Court of Justice 2014 case-law on freedom of expression, media and journalistic freedoms
BİA January-February-March 2015 Media Observation Report reveals "the intensive juridical oppression and the police violence" against citizens, journalists and freedom of expression in Turkey
The “Initiative for Freedom of Expression” collects a series of opinions and comments from Turkish defenders of the right to free expression
In the framework of a project funded by the European Union – “European Media Policies Revisited: Valuing and Reclaiming Free and Independent Media in Contemporary Democratic Systems” – this study combines a country-based study with a comparative analysis across media sectors and media services in Slovakia