70 results
MPM 2014 shows for Greece a medium/high risk for media pluralism, particularly relating to legal and socio-political issues
This short presentation shows the main findings of the 2014 survey on Bulgarian citizen's trust in media
The paper "Freedom of Information in Montenegro" analyses the legal framework, practice and implementation of the law regulating access to public information in Montenegro
A report by the Open Society Foundation that shows how digital changes affect the media system and democratic services in the Czech Republic
A report by the Open Society Foundation examines how digital changes affect the media system of Slovakia
The study elaborates on the European Union citizens’ right to be informed and to enjoy their right to access information
In the framework of a project funded by the European Union – “European Media Policies Revisited: Valuing and Reclaiming Free and Independent Media in Contemporary Democratic Systems” – this study combines a country-based study with a comparative analysis across media sectors and media services in Slovakia
A report collecting the findings of a research on the right of access to information in Cyprus, conducted in 2010 by Access Info Europe, KAB and IKME as part of the Access Info Cyprus Project
This report examines the information needs of the 21st century American citizen and proposes 15 public policy recommendations for sustaining democracy in the Digital Age
A survey of the effects of counter-terrorism legislation on freedom of the media in Europe, drafted by David Banisar for the Council of Europe