Search access_to_information

Search for "access_to_information" returned 190 matches

Invitation to participate in our online survey - Article

The safety of journalists is at risk in too many countries, and protection systems are facing new challenges. OBCT invites journalists, media outlets and stakeholders to answer to relevant questions in order to outline the problems and the possible solutions. If you have experienced threats and have asked for help, please, access our questionnaires

OBCT and other international organisations call on Belarusian authorities to stop their oppression of journalists and media freedom - Article

We call on Belarusian authorities to stop attacking, detaining and demonising journalists and media workers and work towards meaningful protections for media freedom

The first MFRR-report documents severe threats to media freedom - Article

During the first four months, the project has seen a wide range of threats against media freedom in Europe. Few countries are spared: two-thirds have had at least one violation of media freedom since the beginning of March. Main reasons were the impact of Covid-19 crisis, police violence and online harassment

EngelliWeb 2019: An Iceberg of Unseen Internet Censorship in Turkey - Reports

Detailed statistical information in relation to blocked websites, news articles (URL-based), social media accounts and social media content for the 2007-2019 period

Serbia: authorities launched a financial investigation into journalists, media and civil society organisations - Article

Article 19, as part of the Media Freedom Rapid Response, expresses concern for a financial probe launched by Serbian authorities. The investigation could be an abuse of legal mechanism in order to exert pressure on the critical voices 

Hungary: a letter of concern to EU institutions - Article

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners are profoundly concerned about the latest media freedom attacks in Hungary, which follow only days after the EU Summit, where Prime Minister Viktor Orbán praised the rule of law situation in his country

The key pillars to fight disinformation. A speech by Vera Jourová - Article

On July 7 the Vice-President of the European Commission held a speech at the European Media Conference "Diversity and Responsibility: Media in a Digital Society" organized by the German Federal Government to encourage debate on the issue of safeguarding media pluralism in Europe

Turkey: Alarming plans to further crackdown on social media - Article

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners are alarmed by the Turkish President’s threats to further restrict or shut down social media. We call on Turkey to comply with its international obligations and refrain from measures that will further prevent and disrupt exercising the right to freedom of expression and information online

New attacks against journalists during protests and demonstrations - Article

IPI drafts an overview of the attacks suffered by reporters and media workers in the first six months of 2020: the situation is alarming and the MFRR partners raise further concerns inviting authorities to protect journalists working during protests and demonstrations. Recommendations for States and police officers include the invitation to develop cooperation schemes

Declining media freedom and biased reporting on foreign actors in Serbia. Prospects for an enhanced EU approach - Reports

This study focuses on the deteriorating condition of freedom of expression in Serbia to show how poor press freedom and independence impact media reporting on foreign actors, thus hindering citizens' right to access impartial and adequate information