
2468 results

Academic Autonomy and Freedom in Turkey: The Case of Boğaziçi University - Article

Academics for Peace NA cordially invites you to the webinar "Academic Autonomy and Freedom in Turkey: The Case of Boğaziçi University" on March 4 at 6 pm (CET) with a vibrant group of speakers, co-hosts and sponsors

Call for Applications for Training in Podcasting - Training

Reporters, editors and producers from six Western Balkans countries are invited to apply for a training in investigative podcasts led by prominent international trainers who produce podcasts for the Reveal and Bellingcat investigative journalism websites. Deadline 14 March 2021

UNESCO conference on safety of journalists - HTML5 video

The role of the judiciary and international cooperation to foster safety of journalists – What works?

Are whistleblowing laws working? - Reports

A global study of whistleblower protection litigation. A collaboration between Government Accountability Project and the International Bar Association

Country factsheet: Bulgaria - Article

Called "the black sheep of EU media freedom", Bulgaria faces a lot of issues related to freedom of expression and safety of journalists. Here a detailed overview made by OBCT journalist Francesco Martino, who lives in Sofia

MFRR Summit. Locked Down: Protecting Europe's Free Press - Article

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) announces the first MFRR Summit, taking place online between 17th and 20th March. Locked Down: Protecting Europe’s Free Press will feature keynote speeches by Irene Khan and Věra Jourová, and bring together 32 journalists and experts from 16 countries to explore the threats facing media freedom in Europe across eight panels and two workshops

UNESCO conference on safety of journalists - Article

The role of the judiciary and international cooperation to foster safety of journalists – What works? A conference streamed online on 1st March from 12pm to 4pm

Shattered Dreams and Lost Opportunities. A year in the fight to #KeepItOn - Reports

This #KeepItOn report looks at incidents of internet shutdowns in 2020

Combating gender-based violence: Cyber violence - Reports

A study by the EPRS, European Parliamentary Research Service, that confirms the estimate that 4 to 7 % of women in the EU-27 have experienced cyber harassment during the past 12 months, while between 1 and 3 % have experienced cyber stalking

Transnational Journalism Networks “From Below”. Cross-Border Journalistic Collaboration in Individualized Newswork - Academic Sources

This paper analyzes cross-border journalistic collaborations primarily initiated beyond large media organizations