Search gender 00 media

Search for "gender 00 media" returned 76 matches

Transgender Europe - Guide for Journalists - Manuals

Transgender Europe’s Guide for Journalists is a practical guide on how to cover stories about trans people, or about issues which affect trans people, in a fair and respectful manner

Who makes the news? Global Media Monitoring Report 2015 - Reports

Since 1995, the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) at five-year intervals, has measured the pace of change in women’s media representation and participation. In 2015, evidence from over 100 countries confirms that progress has been glacially slow

European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) - Support Centres

ECPMF offers several support programmes for journalists at risk.

- Journalists-in-Residence programme: The ECPMF’s Journalists-in-Residence (JiR) programme offers temporary shelter for journalists facing harassment and intimidation as a direct result of their work. Journalists get the chance to rest and recuperate in a safe and discreet place, and also to continue their investigative work at their own pace and use their time in Leipzig for networking and finding solidarity. The JiR programme lasts for either three or up to six months, and includes a rent-free furnished apartment in Leipzig, as well as a monthly stipend to cover basic living costs. It also covers travel and visa expenses, health insurance, psychological counselling, and journalism-related training sessions on topics like digital security, mobile reporting and social media management. More info here .

- Legal support: ECPMF offers and coordinates legal support on matters related to free speech for individuals and organisations working in countries located geographically in Europe. More info here .

- Helpdesk: he Helpdesk is ECPMF central tool for responding to the individual needs of journalists at risk and under threat. ECPMF supports media professionals across Europe in order to find a place of safety in emergency cases and we assist exiled journalists in Germany, irrespective of their origin. More info here .

Women’s Reporting Point: it aims to deepen a gender-specific aspect of the safety of journalists and encourages female media workers to report it if they are subjected to harassment or they witness it in their journalistic work. Reports received are given priority, treated confidentially and are only handled by women staff. More info here .

Reporting on Gender-based Violence in the Syria Crisis: A Journalist's Handbook - Reports

The Regional Syria Response Hub of United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA) has developed a handbook for journalists covering gender-based violence


Violence and Harassment against Women in the News Media - Reports

A comprehensive picture of the dangers faced by women journalists around the world, based on a global, online survey shows that two-thirds of respondents experienced some form of intimidation, threats or abuse in relation to their work as female journalist

Russian Mass Media and Changing Values - Books

The book takes into consideration the structural and cultural changes in Russian media landscape, focusing on the impact that Russian media have on citizens’ identities