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The Impact of Media Freedom, Internet Access and Governmental Online Service Delivery on Corruption - Academic Sources

What's the impact that media freedom, internet access and governmental online service delivery have on corruption? A cross-national study uses secondary data for 157 countries to answer this question  

Diversity Accelerator: journalists from CoE states eligible - Opportunities

The Council of Europe supports media projects dealing with cultural diversity and diversity

IREX Media Sustainability Index (MSI) - Monitoring tool

IREX Media Sustainability Index (MSI) considers developments over time, with a specific focus on economic sustainability; quality of journalism and management practices

Burnout in journalists: a systematic literature review - Reports

A concise, comprehensive, and systematic review of the quantitative literature relating to the experience of burnout in journalists

Media Freedom in the Czech Republic - Academic Sources

During the nineties, the privatisation process of the Czech media had a significant impact on the country's political structure and culture. However, despite the relative success of the democratisation of the Czech Republic, there is little empirical evidence to support the claim that the media industry will follow suit

State-Media Financial Relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Increasingly Dependent and Disciplined Media - Reports

Overwhelming financial relations between the state and the media and lack of transparency affect media integrity in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Croatia: IREX Media Sustainability Index 2015 - Reports

IREX Media Sustainability Index (MSI) considers developments over time, with a specific focus on economic sustainability, quality of journalism and management practices 

Montenegro: IREX Media Sustainability Index 2015 - Reports

IREX Media Sustainability Index (MSI) considers developments over time in the media landscape of Montenegro, with a specific focus on economic sustainability; quality of journalism and management practices 

Media ownership in Bulgaria: state of play and challenges - Reports

The blurred picture of Bulgarian media ownership restricts citizens’ right to information. A study by the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD)