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Search for "legal support" returned 233 matches

Open letter ahead of Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union - Article

Several media freedom organisations urge German leaders to proactively lead the Member States in the Council towards effective solutions that will bring about real progress in the challenges faced by freedom of expression and journalism

Hungary’s two pandemics: COVID-19 and attacks on media freedom - Legal Resources

A legal opinion commissioned by the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) finds that the Hungarian Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic fails to live up to domestic or European legal standards and entrenches the country’s attacks on independent media outlets, journalists and media workers

Turkey: the Public Advertising Agency and bans implemented on newspapers - Article

20 international and local press freedom organisations and signatories are writing to the Public Advertising Agency (BIK) in Turkey in order to repeat the concerns about BIK’s criteria regarding the distribution of public advertisement and bans implemented on newspapers

Press Cartoonists in Europe must be protected - Article

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners call for press cartoonists to be protected to ensure they can realise their right to free expression across Europe

A gathering storm: the laws being used to silence the media - Reports

A review by Index on Censorship of how laws are being used in Europe to bring actions against journalists

Threats against journalists in Northern Ireland must stop - Article

OBCT joins Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners, press freedom and freedom of expression organisations, journalists’ organisations, journalists and media workers in condemning threats against journalists in Northern Ireland

Joint Emergency Appeal for Journalism and Media Support - Article

To mark World Press Freedom Day 2020, we signed the appeal promoted by the Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD )

Media Freedom made in Scandinavia: six examples of best practices - Reports

This report of a fact-finding mission to Scandinavia organised by ECPMF with the participation of EFJ and OBCT shows policies and approaches that can inspire change for the better, suggesting what governments and media actors can do to defend media freedom

Advice concerning the introduction of anti-SLAPP legislation to protect freedom of expression in the European Union - Academic Sources

The paper analyses the current EU legal framework and recommends that the European Union adopt with urgency a series of measures to limit the abuse of defamation laws and the chilling effect on press freedom

Call for Europe’s leaders to protect free flow of information to tackle COVID-19 - Article

ECPMF joins with press freedom partners in call to EU leaders