
158 results

Rethinking Hallin and Mancini Beyond the West: An Analysis of Media Systems in Central and Eastern Europe - Academic Sources

This study aims to validate and extend Hallin and Mancini’s framework of comparison to media systems in Central and Eastern Europe

Slovakia: Damages in Civil Defamation Cases. Analysis and Trends - Reports

Defamation or freedom of expression? This report examines a selection of judicial decisions taken by the Courts of the Slovak Republic

Censorship, soft censorship and self-censorship in Macedonia - Wikipedia Item

The Wikipedia article Media of the Republic of Macedonia has been expanded and updated with a new section on censorship, self-censorship and soft-censorship . This is part of the series on "Censorship and self-censorship in Europe" and will be followed by other country-specific items

Concentration of media ownership in the Republic of Macedonia - Wikipedia Item

A new section on concentration of media ownership in the Republic of Macedonia  has been created within the article "Media of Macedonia ". This is part of the series on "Concentration of media ownership in Europe" and will be followed by other country-specific items

Worlds of Journalism Study - Datasets

The Worlds of Journalism Study (WJS) assesses the state of journalism on a global scale, collecting perceptions on the working conditions and the limitations under which journalists operate

The Panama Papers and the importance of protecting whistleblowers - Reports

A study assessing the impact of the schemes revealed by the Panama Papers makes several recommendations, including for the EU to introduce measures for the protection of whistleblowers

European Broadcasting Union - Media Intelligence Portal - Datasets

The European Broadcasting Union collects raw datasets on the functioning of public service media across the countries which are part of EBU

Yearbook of the European Audiovisual Observatory - Datasets

The Yearbook is an online service for data and analysis on television, cinema, Video on Demand and home video in the European countries. It includes data on market shares, services offered, financing and the main players in each branch of these industries

European Media Systems Survey - Surveys

The European Media Systems Survey (EMSS) is a regularly repeated academic study that measures differences between national media environments in how they cover politics and public affairs

Transparency of media ownership - Datasets

In 2013, AccessInfo mapped the existing regulations concerning transparency of media ownership in 20 countries: an exhaustive database summarizes the main findings