
69 results

Media in Montenegro - Article

After the dissolution of Yugoslavia and a transition period, in Montenegro - now a candidate country for EU membership - the evolution of the media landscape continued in parallel with the attempts to accelerate democratic developments. Interview with Mihailo Jovović, editor-in-chief of the independent newspaper Vijesti

By Sava Mirković

Originally published by OBCT. Also available in ITA and BHS

From Silence to Strength: A Regional Response to SLAPPs in the Western Balkans - Reports

The newly released Balkan Civil Society Development Network Report examines the SLAPP phenomenon across the Western Balkans

SafeJournalists and MFRR Condemn Two Decades of Impunity in Case of murder of Duško Jovanović - Article

On the 20th anniversary of the murder of Montenegrin journalist Duško Jovanović, OBCT joins partners in the SafeJournalists Network and the Media Freedom Rapid Response in calling for stronger action from the authorities

Media Capture in the Western Balkans: From captured states to captured media - Reports

The policy brief produced by Southeast European Leadership for Development and Integrity (SELDI)  provides an analytical insight into the mechanisms behind media capture in the Western Balkans countries, as a phenomenon that negatively affects the media landscape in those countries through impairment of media freedom and pluralism. With the region being on track for EU accession, media capture presents a paramount problem that the brief addresses

ARTICLE 19’s Ethical Journalism Awards 2024 in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia - Reports

As part of its newly launched #CheckItFirst campaign, ARTICLE 19 launches the 2024 Ethical Journalism Awards 

Monitoring Media Pluralism in The Digital Era – Country Report: Montenegro - Reports

Media Pluralism Monitor is a research tool developed by Center for Media Pluralism and Freedom (CMPF) encompassing EU Member States and Candidate Countries purposed to assess risks to media pluralism by operationalising them into 4 thematic areas: fundamental protection, market plurality, political independence and social inclusiveness

Montenegro: after a new acquittal, the hopes and projects of journalist Jovo Martinovic - Article

After over seven years of judicial ordeal and after spending fifteen months in pre-trial detention on drug trafficking charges, investigative journalist Jovo Martinovic was acquitted for the second time by the Supreme Court on 17 January. We interviewed him while waiting for the final verdict

By Paola Rosà

Originally published by OBCT, also available in ITA and BHS

Montenegro: Impunity must end for shooting of journalist Olivera Lakić - Article

MFRR praises cross-party approval of legislation strengthening protection of journalists

Women in newsrooms: perspectives on equity, diversity and resilience - Reports

Looking at the Western Balkans, this report highlights the trends, opportunities and obstacles, identified through the sharing of experiences and perspectives by women working in the media, to paint a more nuanced and complex picture of women’s role in newsrooms, news-making and regional societies more broadly

The Situation of Human Rights Defenders in Selected OSCE Participating States - Reports

The report provides an analysis of findings of ODIHR's assessment visits to the Czech Republic, Georgia, Italy, Mongolia and Montenegro, undertaken as part of the first country-specific assessment cycle focused on human rights defenders