Search for "ESTONIA" returned 9 matches

Disputes over access - A Study on Journalists’ Practices and Freedom of Information Policies in the Baltics - Reports

Despite their high rankings in the World Press Freedom Index, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania face notable deficiencies in freedom of information. Supported by RSF, Balticada Investigations Studio conducted a study on the challenges that media professionals face when trying to access public data in the region

DRI - Disinformation Resilience in Central and Eastern Europe - Reports

An extensive research aimed at assessing national vulnerabilities and preparedness to adequately react to foreign-led disinformation in Central and Eastern Europe

Council of Europe Recommendation on media pluralism, transparency of media ownership and media literacy - Reports

The Council of Europe has issued guidelines to its 47 member states in order to promote media pluralism, transparency of media ownership and media literacy

Perspektivy: Cross-Border Journalism programme - Opportunities

Research funding programme for Russian-speaking journalists and bloggers from Russia, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, the Baltics or the Caucasus

Moldova's Media at Crossroads 2017 - Opportunities

Researchers and scholars based in Moldova, in the Baltic or the Eastern Partnership regions are invited to submit brief proposals on media pluralism, media literacy and information resilience in Moldova by August 31st 

Rethinking Hallin and Mancini Beyond the West: An Analysis of Media Systems in Central and Eastern Europe - Academic Sources

This study aims to validate and extend Hallin and Mancini’s framework of comparison to media systems in Central and Eastern Europe

Media and Politics in New Democracies - Books

Media and Politics in New Democracies - Europe in a Comparative Perspective, edited by Jan Zielonka, analyses the relationship between the media and politics in new democracies in Europe and other parts of the world

Media and Democracy in Central Eastern Europe (MDCEE) - Reports

A four year project investigated the relations between democracy and media in the countries that have joined the EU since 2004

Media ownership and its impact on media independence and pluralism - Books

Media ownership and its impact on media independence and pluralism is an online project now condensed into a digital book. Curated by the South East European Network for Professionalisation of the Media (SEENPM) and released by the Peace Institute - Ljubljana, the book maps ownership patterns and their effects on media pluralism and independence in the countries of South East Europe and EU member states from Central and Eastern Europe.